The problem with kids these days.


Communism, Socialism, and the correlation between an increasingly dumbed down education. 

As we rocket towards an ever increased totalitarian society controlled just as Orwell layed out in his book “1984” or Huxley in “Brave new world”, those of us who give a damn can remember why such tyranical regime styles such as communism cannot work, but shockingly the Mellenial generation are screaming for it.

The humble beginnings of such Marxist thought may have occured decades ago, but the championing of minorities rights and priviledges over the majority truly gained heavy traction during the 90’s, fueled from earlier decades with such flamboyant music stylings from the likes of boy george and prince, through to the heavy support of festivals in the 90’s like “mardi gras” and countless other instances and the like have truly goose stepped society down a dark and terrible path.

Unfortunately, reason and logic is truly lost on these types as they can only see their side, they only feel their pain. These types cannot feign empathy on anything they disagree with. And as the education system moved slowly but surely farther and farther away from the practical and learned processes to the theoretical and the repititious hammering of todays demand for an ability to regurgetate upon command, it truly shows in the lack of knowledge amoungst young people.

All they care about these days is who has the best clothes, who looks the best, who has the most replies on facebook or where the new hot spot is to get slaughtered drunk at. These unintelligent regurgitating fools are incapable of original thought, of creativity, and most of all, certainly shouldnt be the ones trying to dictate to society how it should behave. A complete reversal of all past generations who heroed the older and wise over the young and stupid.

Proof of such idiocy and totalitarian constructs are easily found by googling such terms as communism or socialism, and seeing how fanciful these platforms who cater to such leftist ideologies are painting the words from which they intend to mold a new society.(

And then they state that such mindsets have their humblest of humble beginnings in such theories as capitalism, but I just cant logically correlate capitalism to the forefather of socialism.

What is completely omitted here is the true control such constructs give to statehood and the ruling class. Yes these mindsets claim to abolish classism to an extent, but thats only because it completely merges the lower and middle and seperates us all from those in power. As history has proved time and time again.

The agenda of todays governances around the world truly feel to me, to be outright attacking individual thought, the traditional family, and any form of benifit to the working class people, with outright attacks on self education, on self healing, on self sufficiency and being able to be independant, is proof the government we have is not working towards our best interest, only further prolonging its loss of power over us.

I implore you to read such theoretical works such as “Simulacra and Simulation” or “Culture of Critique” if you wish to truly understand the debilitating nature of these communistic mindsets and who is the driving force behind them. As these young people grow up and move to the next level in their lives, I only fear the future we will have to face more. As I see it, most of us that cannot stomach society as it stands today will either be rounded up and sorted out, or worse, made into martyrs to further their agenda.

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