Globalists have orchestrated a controlled demolition of the US led Western economy.


This is an interesting article. I still think the globalists at the top levels have, through their legislation and policies, orchestrated a controlled demolition of the US led Western economy over recent decades.

I don’t believe those calling the shots were so incompetent, while wanting to preserve “freedom” to the extent it existed in the past, that they didn’t know their policies of sending factories, jobs and tax revenues to low wage countries would eventually lead to a significant economic collapse in the West. The coming collapse was hastened and made worse by spending Trillion$ committing war crimes the globalists and their minions profited from right along with the taxpayer funded bailout/handouts to the wealthiest banks and multinational corporations the globalists are invested in.

Both Covid policies and now the Ukraine conflict, have played huge parts in the ongoing controlled demolition that’s further weakening the Western public financially and politically. Intentionally or not makes no difference, while the opportunistic globalists that want their Great (fake) Reset, which is globalist code for NWO Globalist Fascist Surveillance Police State, will use all of the above and plenty of propaganda to manipulate the public as an increasing percent becomes desperate enough to accept the Police State terms of the Great Reset.

There are too many variables to predict the future with certainty, but unless the status quo and momentum behind the NWO globalists is disrupted by a revolution of one sort or another, we can predict the globalists will get their NWO Surveillance Police State policies installed to some significant level. Without change in momentum, I expect we’ll see a significant increase in early deaths across the West due to poverty related issues directly resulting from recent decades of the establishment’s policies that led directly to the current reality.

To be sure - a growing percent of the Western public is still waking up, but will it be soon enough? It’s already too late for some and that number is increasing as well.

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