They were going insane when I left the west

They really are insane now. Woke lol wtf is that?
Woke to what exactly?

Come on explain this madness and say it with a straight face.

"No more Mr. Potato Head: Hasbro bombarded with mockery after announcement that famous toy is gender neutral now "

I really am glad I left the UK even though the few libtards I meet online abuse me and call Poland racist. They have never been here. I have for 7 years and the Polish have been superb to me even though I am a Brit abroad.

I guess newspapers know better than a guy living here.

There is 1 thing Poland did not except and it is called "illegal migrants" The clue is in the name. illegal. But the libtards lap up those articles and it fuels their bellies with venomous fire to spread all over the interweb.

Bit like that little freak Greta "you ruined my future" freak kid that gets into all the best or is it worst gigs?

What gets a ban next from liberals? I mean liberal was meant to be something different, same as feminism, both hijacked by nutters, prove me wrong?


Fact check the fact checkers. Some of them are high on crack.

Have a superb weekend and do not let the nutters get yee down :-)

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