Candied nutmeg is delicious for snacks


Instead of dates, the candied nutmeg is tasty enough for a snack breaking the fast.
Nutmeg fruit is generally used as a kitchen for cooking ingredients.


The nutmeg is beneficial to health, the nutmeg is now widely processed into sweets and syrups, nutmeg can be made also into nutritious nutmeg oil to treat wounds.


To make candied nutmeg, we must provide
1 kilo gram of nutmeg, then peeled and cut and then shaped like a flower or any shape according to our taste.
Then supply 1 liter of cooked water, 2 teaspoons of lime juice, 3 teaspoons fine salt, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder, 1 teaspoon citric acid, 1 kg sugar, and
1/4 tsp sodium benzoate.


After ingredients are available, then wash the nutmeg that has been peeled and shaped until clean, then mix salt with 1/2 liters of water that has been cooked, and mix well.


After that, soak the nutmeg pieces in salt solution for 4 hours, then remove and drain.
Then dissolve the lime juice with 1/2 liter of cooked water, and soak the nutmeg back in lime solution for 3 hours, then remove and wash thoroughly then drain.


After that, boil the sugar with 1liter of water until the texture becomes slightly thickened, then enter the vanilla, sodium benzoate, citric acid, and stir until blended.
Then put the pieces of nutmeg into the sugar solution, cook for 1 minute, then remove and chill.
Afterwards insert the nutmeg in the sugar syrup into the refrigerator and let stand for 2 days.


Then enter the sweets with the marinade into the packages and the candied nutmeg.
Now it's done and ready to serve.
That is all and thank you.

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