Nunes Memo

It's all you will hear about today, A rewritten, one-sided​, memo about certain​​n points used to get a FISA​ warrant. Never mind its partial, but this guy is as guilty as all hell ( Carter Page) and most​ likely securing a warrant was pretty easy because of his apparent guilt.​ So its released: I can't​​ find anything anywhere that gives me the memo. I can get what someone says is the narrative ​or its intended purpose, but NO MEMO!
Meanwhile in reality, where we live, what is going by the wayside is ​the imposing and upholding of sanctions against Russia. Sanctions which were passed collectively like 500 to 7 congress and house combined. I'll level with you i have stopped paying attention to these worthless assholes and their number because when you parse the numbers with the progress they have made: It makes you want to go postal!
Sanctions arbitrarily​ levied against N. Korea by the United States for refusing to negotiate a deal on their nuclear​ program went into effect the day trump thought them up. The negotiation was simply stop your program, no "and we will," or "you will then get" , just "stop". Last time i checked an ultimatum was statitically the worst lead in when opening a negotiation. Keep in mind that these people in N Korea are impoverished and starving and closed off from most outside aid. I'm​ not siding with Kim Jong Un in any way r, but he causes enough suffering without our assistance in that matter. So I​ feel for the people who will suffer more for an ill-conceived​​ portrayal ​, ​by Trump, of diplomacy. What bothers me as well is the fact that Trump seems to be able to absolve Russia of penalties, and make them up with N Korea at will. What is Democratic about that! Trump did not veto these Russian sanctions, he just refuses to enact them​. Somehow in a short year​ we have let a dullard overtake the public perception of a democracy and turn it into an all-out​ totalitarian regime, i say perception because we lost our foothold on democracy on 9-11-2001.
Tax cuts, travel bans, ​restructuring church and state​​e,siding with nazis, his family businesses profiting from selling Visa's (kushner but still), approvals for pipelines ​,etc... the list goes on and this is all in the open, to deny it is happening you would have to take the side of​ these issues that they are in large part fair, legal, or humane. I'm​ sure a case can be made to that effect but that's​ not the purpose of this late night, early morning diatribe of mine. (on account of the whiskey I'm​ not exactly sure what that purpose is)
My grandfather gave my father a book titled"a Citizens Responsibility in a Democracy" it was about an inch thick and outlined what you might expect a book with that title to show. My dad did not pass this down to me, i think he felt my generation was smart enough to gleen these relatively straight-forward responsibilities for ourselves buy watching them as we grew up. He was wrong. We have overlooked basic tenents to keep our elected officials from running amuck. I say we, because it's us, not them who need to change the way it works!
Its not enough to complain to your friends on facebook. This blog will do little except allow me to vent. We all need to put down our phones and start thinking for ourselves a bit more or we are going to be the ones responsible for our own demise! Trump is not going to stop, and his republican shitheel cronies wont either. They are blessed by reaping the rewards of his twisted views of superiority, and the out that they can eventually say well that was him not us. Democrats, Same Excuse, allthough they come at it from the "we will show them in the next election cycle" and "America will side with us" Bullshit talking points.
Democrats "No we wont" maybe we need to elect all one party in the house and the senate and end partisan excuses for lack of action! Wouldnt that be a fresh approach​. Something tells me if Americans somehow got that smart they wouldnt allow it. With no excuses they would have to pass legislation and accept responsibility for it later instead of us voting the two or three who brought it to a vote on the floor out, electing the opposite party who in turn will enact more legislation to get back at them, and then we vote them out and so continues our incessant need for blame at the expense of progress.
It was a long winded way to get there but this is it: The only way we can hold elected officials accountable is to eliminate this false narrative of a two party system. These peoples kids go to the same schools they all eat out at the same restaurants they are of the same ilk. It doesnt matter which party we chose but we need to get together and chose one and then hold them accountable. If we dont change the way we think and act they never will either. If they dont we are all in the same​ government-owned​ canoe, with no oars, wondering which bank of the river the current will take us to, instead of just going out and getting our own oars, and then when placed in that canoe, we paddle to where we want to go, together, like responsible Citizens in a Democracy.

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