If you are lucky, you have 36,600 days to live. Make it count!

Hello Steemit Friends,

As an individual making a living doing science, I spend my day wondering about life and the interactions among organisms and asking questions that, hopefully, lead me to understand life better. Questions that some of my close friends find futile, and at times silly, consume a significant portion of my conscious life. The fact that we, as a species, are capable of contemplating on our orgin, existence, and demise doesn't only make us incredibly lucky but also burden us with the responsibility of carving our future.
Our species is an extremely fascinating species. Even though we are physically frail with narrow ranges of adaptation, we conquered the world and made ourselves champions of the universe. Our technological advancement, political and economic ideologies, sophisticated social codes and interactions are beyond any parallel. But, all of these come at a cost. Without a doubt, our species is the only species that suffers from depression, anxiety, stress to such a crippling extent that we forget to stop and enjoy the sweet moments of life. This unfortunate mishap bothered me a lot and led me to ask if there is any way out for our species. Then, it hit me! Here's what I came to understand:
According to many sources, the average life span of human beings is 79 years. Let's for the sake of the argument say that you are one of the lucky ones to live 100 years. This means that you have just 36,600 days (that is even generous than the acutal math) to live on this planet. Now, imagine how you spent the days you lived so far. How many of those days did you spend doing the things you loved to do? How many of those days do you want to relive? Our days are, indeed, numbered! The more wisely we use them, the sweeter they get. This helped me a lot and I wanted to share with you and hear your thoughts.
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