click, off, gone — a hashtag for some nuke closure OR alternative title, i’ve never thought of nukes at night.


a prelude remote pseudo faux regression therapy for people that believe committing words to blockchain makes a difference to the way your body is reconfigured in the event of nuclear war.

i mean that’s just an angle i’m taking this morning.

everyone has those classic tracks that just hit different, mine we’re always sleeper on the way back from rave parties on a sunday — wondering why i’d even gone in the first place but also dreading going back into work on the monday.

i think, being an 80’s child, who went through regular video stings of nukes in moscow and b-roll footage of minuteman III missiles coming out of silos.

thing is, as a kid, i’d watch all these sci-fi and computer movies that were almost like pushing that narrative all the time because of it. simulations, 3d graphics, particle effects of a rocket falling from the sky.

government computers flashing lots of led lights with an angry white noise sound stage projecting foreboding and tension — like we had no control of the outcome anyway after a certain time.

Photo by Josué AS on Unsplash

if anything, i’m celebrating how good we have had our life so far, i’ve nearly hit that mid way point and been around on the planet for a good fifty years, that’s a long time for anyone to dodge and weave — dark alleyways looking for the 7/11 and hope of snacks and fuel.

but it’s that simple right, click, off, gone.

we can hope for some kind of miracle event but in reality we are taking about a window of ten to fifteen minutes and then boom, bright lights, multiple flashes, radiation, mega winds, radiation fall over for weeks and weeks on end — death fast or slow, you don’t really get a choice unless your one to try and prolong these things underground. maybe you’ll starve instead.

nobody truly wins anything, just a species that decided to make a point by lobbing missiles at each other to destroy the land of others. I’m sure we will go on, heck, with the unlimited range nuclear subs, they could stay under water for years until things don’t look like the plot line of the matrix.

to my second point or the alternative title, nukes at night. i’ve always assumed that if i was to ever see something like that in my lifetime i’d be doing something mundane like taking a shit or in the car towards somewhere, nowhere near my friends or family members. instant tears of regret that i’ve taken the wrong path somewhere to be in this situation all of a sudden.

every bit of b-roll, every sci-fi, it’s always been depicted in the day time. take that big scene in terminator 2 where the kids and parents are playing in the playground and sarah conner is on the other side of the fence unable to communicate, almost in a multiverse abstracted away.

and so when i think of “nukes at night” maybe we will be asleep, maybe we will be locked away in that dream state as our bodies and souls are vaporised — continuing to run amok in the galaxy with all the other particles, an unlimited journey, the perfect transport.

it would be the most extreme fireworks you’ve ever seen, it would be like we were living “the road” overnight (fab film by the way but don’t watch if depressed) everything we knew and relied on before, power and food, water, fuel — within days/weeks back to an analog existence but even then, outside, above ground, certain death.

while it’s hard to concentrate on anything right now (or at least it seems so kinda pointless in this recent escalation) being at “one, with oneself” is important i think. if i was to look back on my life in those fifteen minutes i would celebrate the life i was lucky to have lived, the people that i had loved and those that loved me back.

find peace in the abundance of what life has already provided.


humble x

(p.s -- i realise that this is a galaxies edge touristy photo but hey, if i could have a base operations in a nucleur war it would something like this right? get them droids out there looking for resources!)

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