FUKASHIMAH(s) MSG-621 by Magnus McTavish

MSG-621 by magnus mctavish

I have serious concern about japan not addressing the Fukuyama disaster and this point I must stress. The lack of preventive measures put into place by japan are of serious concern, while japan is trying to repair the very serious damage already produced, the chances of another earthquake and tsunami is VERY REAL. Japan has 120 reactors and has multiple earthquakes constantly. We could see another fukushima FRWA0566.jpg all too soon a lot quicker than we think. Governments and corporations are never held accountable and like in this event, have only dampened the issue rather than producing results. Japan could really be a desolate wasteland if the current trending weather and natural disaster forecasts are of any note.. because its very clear that the rate of natural disasters are occurring more often more frequently and ever more severe and serious. We could take a moderate projection and say... Japan won't have another nuclear disaster for say 50 years. Well the Fukushima will still be radiated, people will still be effected all kinds of abnormally nuclear ways birth life and death. And that would be a more likely understanding of how the current japanese establishment is dealing with it. The chances of these other reactors failing is very real and I could say being design by their recent adversaires and were of forced upon by such enemy after losing world war two. That possibly these reactors are not of perfect environmental stability. I'm not saying that United states put 120 timed nukes on Japan. But they were built by the Americans by force during vietnamese and korean isolationism. And that these reactors were rushed into production without much serious concerns about safety and environmental procedures as this was war time and more pressing issues of communism were at hand. While we can think and hope that everything will be alright. These reactors are ancient in terms of technology. Japan is on one of the most notorious fault lines in the world. Japan has shown little or any transparency as too what has happened or being done. It has been more about shifting blame and cost evaluations then transparent clean and preventive measures. There is no general concise or broad assessment of how serious is fukushima from the scientific community. The Japanese first response was not environmental factors and control but rather in more of a direction of blame directing and protecting financial and political interests. From My understanding Japan had very huge inflation issues, massive unpayable debt and low economic growth before this disaster and was facing very serious economic hard times. Then fukushima happened. So I wonder if Fukushima was a serious moral and ethical destruction of the japanese way of life and culture as well as the most serious environmental impact other then say the gulf oil spill in as of late...the very idea of the continuation of natural disasters from climate change effected the Philippines so much after their catastrophe of their recent tsunami made them plead very serious with the UN to seriously take up the role and challenge which is the environmental impact of climate change which is a by product of consumerism and capitalism. So I will end on this note... it is well more likely that another fukushima will happen next week then say 50 years. And thats going by the trending figures of global environmental catastrophes occurring more often and more sever. and the distances between such events is shortening. At what point do we stop supporting this inherently destructive and corrupt force that is hyper capitalism and its ever expanding demand for profit. If you want to help contribute to this planet in more real terms. You must remove you're acceptance and submission to the established monetary system. People will say, "how will I live without money!" well I did it. and I am much more well of then say my counter parts who actively contribute to the system. Many people in the third world are slaves and work at gunpoint and those that aren't are hardly better off on two dollars a day. I'm sure you can survive without that job at mcdonalds or walmart.. and lastly... if you really are working and contributing to this dystopian apocalypse then you are not learning any skillsets or viable survival techniques which would help you in the event of a total natural destructive environmental collapse. We are all the same. If we all just woke up tomorrow and accepted that the world is more likely to end if I go to work then if I don't go, that if we all stop participating in this dystonia apocalypse called capitalism and consumerism then it would be weekends everyday and Monday would be gone forever. But I guess thats just a pipe dream of environmentalists. a Green environmentally sustainable utopia and from my understanding of economics and the technical skill set of humanity we have surpassed our need for working model for IMG_0356.PNG society. and in that being said. if you know economics as is being generally accepted as soon to be fact. that from automation of robotics alone would see more then half the world population out of work. So why would anyone contribute for little or next to nothing wages or agreements just so they have less time on a much worse off planet. and that is the true problem that green activity faces people just not caring or understanding enough and thats why groups like Greenpeace become more self sustainable corporations rather then clearly solving and addressing issues once and for all. The established mode of capitalism which has the by product of consumerism must be withdrawn by all individuals for a more self defined, determined autonomous lifestyle and the best way to address that now is actively contributing and working in the green resistance which is direct activism. The best and greatest resource we have is you. so lets utilize this awesome person and start greening and producing a self sustaining and renewable inflation free economy and environment that not only supports everything and all but gives people a Utopian standard of living.

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