Pointilism rhino beetle, steps



Hi, this is a continuation from my last post, and it's done!!

This drawing is all done by dots of markerpens.
Best of all, I could empy my worries and focus on hitting those dots. If you are interested, please visit my first post and the second post.
I recognized it's similar to coloring book that you will be following the given path.

So it's really good for me to do this in between other of my art creation, which I constantly thinking; am I doing it okay?, is this looking cool?, is that color suits with this? etc.

All right. So with this technique, I am using colors, so thought of color combination and proportion accuracy.

The second image.
I carried out with its legs and now to the background. There were orange color around the beetle, so I put some warm color in the background to blend in.

Something blurry and warm, to give depth.

The third image
Lastly, I almost forgot about the wood plank. In the original photo, it was entirely a white wall, and here I changed to have depth, so I....errr.. cogh cogh.... I improvised the wooden texture!

I added some shadows at the bottom so it looks standing up right.

Thank you for reading, the artworks in this post is done by me, @naomipangolin.
The source of the second image is from here.

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