Art Master Contest For Ball Pen Artists

There is an on going art contest sponsored by Bic®, a company that produces Ballpoint pen which we use to write and virtually most pen artists use to draw. It is called "Bic Art Master.

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What is Bic Art Master?

BIC® "Art Master" is a contest initiated and sponsored by BIC® that encourages all Ball Pen artists across Africa to showcase their creativity on their platform and compete with fellow artists.

This entails that the contest is limited to Africans and those who use pen to draw only.

So if you are an African and have artworks done with pen, I urge you to participate in this contest and showcase your talent to the world. You never can tell, you might be the lucky winner.

The following are some of the prices for the will be winners:

1) The Prizes of BIC® Art Master 2019

The winning artist chosen by the experts judging panel will be crowned the "BIC® Art Master of Africa".

1000 USD cash.

Online personalized gallery.

A chance to get featured at BIC®Art Collection.

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2) The prize of People’s Choice

500 USD

Bic Art kits.

According to the organizers, the rules to be eligible for the contest are as follows:

The artwork needs to be created by using only BIC® Ball Pen of any type and color.

This competition is open for African residents only.

The artwork needs to be prepared on minimum A3 size paper/medium.

Each artist needs to register once and enter as many as 3 artworks maximum.

The Artist needs to submit original and authentic artworks only.

The winning artist will have to present the original artwork when required.

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For more information on the contest, check out their official site

Become the Bic° Art Master of Africa by indulging in this contest.

Thank you

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