馃幖 Venezuela (Cover Violin) 馃幓By @kkarenmp

Venezuela Es una canci贸n bell铆sima que describe a Venezuela de una manera que pocos han alcanzado, expresa un amor y una nostalgia incre铆ble.

La Canci贸n Venezuela se ha constituido como nuestro Tercer Himno de Venezuela. Ya que el Primero es el Himno Nacional Gloria al Bravo Pueblo y el Segundo Alma Llanera. Es una canci贸n muy emblem谩tica que nos identifica a todos los nacidos en esta tierra. Es muy especial y emotiva, porque cuando la escuchamos se nos eriza el cuerpo y durante los minutos que dura la melod铆a, los venezolanos nos queremos todos unos a otros, es que la canci贸n es inspiradora y la letra retrata nuestro pa铆s de una manera casi perfecta.

Y hoy luego de 6 d铆as sin luz, casi desesperada por la situaci贸n ya casi nos quedabamos sin agua, sin comida y sin poder comunicarnos con nadie porque al menos mi se帽al habia muerto por completo adem谩s de que como cargar铆a mi celular, quiero compartir este hermoso tema titulado VENEZUELA tal cual como se llama mi hermoso pa铆s VENEZUELA, yo nac铆 en la mejor tierra que Dios pudo haber creado y me siento orgullosa de ser VENEZOLANA y nos hemos dado cuenta que somos guerreros, somos fuerte antes tantas adversidades que se nos presenta, y que a pesar de lo que hemos pasado siempre tenemos optimismo y buen animo, es lo que nos caracteriza. Y a que venezolano no se le eriza la piel al cantar este s贸lo pedacito?.

Entre tus playas qued贸 mi ni帽ez, tendida al viento y al sol y esa nostalgia que sube a mi voz, sin querer se hizo canci贸n... Y si un d铆a tengo que naufragar y el tif贸n rompe mis velas, enterrad mi cuerpo cerca del mar en VENEZUELA

As铆 que sin nada m谩s que limitarlo mejor, dejo el tema y lo disfruto, lo bailo of y, por supuesto, si quieres comentarlo馃榿

Venezuela It is a beautiful song that describes Venezuela in a way that few have reached, expresses an incredible love and nostalgia.

The song Venezuela has been constituted as our Third Anthem of Venezuela. Since the First is the National Anthem Glory to the Brave Town and the Second Alma Llanera. It is a very emblematic song that identifies us all born in this land. It is very special and emotional, because when we listen to it the body bristles and during the minutes of the melody, we Venezuelans love each other, the song is inspiring and the lyrics portray our country in an almost perfect way .

And today after 6 days without light, almost desperate for the situation we were almost left without water, without food and without being able to communicate with anyone because at least my signal had completely died as well as how I would charge my cell phone, I want to share this beautiful subject titled VENEZUELA as it is called my beautiful country VENEZUELA, I was born in the best land that God could have created and I am proud to be VENEZUELAN and we have realized that we are warriors, we are strong before so many adversities that we are presented, and that despite what we have gone through, we always have optimism and good spirit, that is what characterizes us. And that Venezuelan does not bristle when singing this little piece?

Among your beaches was my childhood, lying to the wind and the sun and that nostalgia that rises to my voice, without wanting to become a song ... And if one day I have to shipwreck and the typhoon breaks my candles, bury my body near the sea in VENEZUELA

So without anything more than to limit it better I leave the topic and enjoy it, dance it 馃槀 and of course if you like to comment it 馃榿

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