2 Original Character | 2 Pages in my Sketchbook | pen sketches

Good evening~

As always, I'll share some of my personal art and sketches of random characters, because it's what I love drawing the most in the world at the moment! It's something so therapeutic and it feels like meditating whenever I grab a random ballpoint pen and just let my hand and mind run free.

I love it a lot!

So now I want to present you two pages in my sketchbook, sketched with ballpoint pen, where I randomly sketched some characters, and I want to talk a little bit about the stories behind these two.


The first one, "Doctor B", presents a doctor, a scientist in his laboratory, a weird one I must say ( he has different creatures in tubes in the back if you look closely ), but I love him, of course. Mom told me, after she saw this, that it reminds her of dad, and I agree, I can't help myself seeing the similarities between the two, and I actually like that.

bbbb buhu.jpg

The second one, "The Biggest and most Beautiful Mama in the World", just like it is written in the flag she is having in her hand, is a funny one, which started from a joke I had with my mom, and I decided to draw this based on that inside joke between us two. It makes me laugh every time I see it haha!

I'll be back sharing more pages in my sketchbook in the future, thank you for reading and being here!

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