Un secreto por dentro - A secret inside

En ocasiones me gusta escribir textos a las fotografías que hago, considero que le doy una narrativa a la imagen y la sustento con mayor contenido de mi parte, simplificación y unión de las artes.

Sometimes I like to write texts to the photographs I take, I consider that I give a narrative to the image and support it with more content from me.

Esta noche buscaba la desdicha en el verso que en su pensar me llevaba,
anhelaba imaginar la silueta de su perfecto rostro mirando la nada,
esa encantadora sonrisa y esas ojeritas que tanto me gustaban,
pero nada importaba,
eres la luz de esta noche en la cual sumerjo,
parece ser un oscuro sendero difuso y denso, no lo se, tal vez sea veneno,
espinas de una rosa en la verdad o mito es un enigma que no descifro,
benigno, inaudito, el mundo en que habito
mi mundo, carcel o libertad,
tal vez sea la lucha eterna del bien y mal.
Serie completa en:

Tonight I was looking for misery in the verse that led me to think,
I longed to imagine the silhouette of his perfect face looking at nothing,
that lovely smile and those little eyes that I liked so much,
but nothing mattered
You are the light of this night in which I dive,
It seems to be a dark diffuse and dense path, I don't know, maybe it's poison,
thorns of a rose in truth or myth is an enigma that I do not decipher,
benign, unheard of, the world in which I live
my world, jail or freedom,
Perhaps it is the eternal struggle of good and evil.
Complete series at: https: //www.behance.net/gallery/65968271/Un-secreto-por-dentro

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