( You are perfect for me.) ( A story I wrote for those who like romantic novel)

Shane has never forgotten the man he thought she could spend the rest of her life with, the man of her dreams, she thought of creating a family with him. She's so young and in love. She's ready to give up and follow her heart but her life changed that very day when she discovered something. She ended up hating him. Years passed yet fate has not been so friendly, their path crossed and every memory of him flashed back. Will hate lasts long? Could She hate him forever? ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

" He likes you?'' She was not sure if she heard the joy in Lora's voice. She knows from the start that she has been in love with Carl. Talking about Carl. The friend who is always there for her and Lora. He is the big brother she never had. She likes
Carl and she wants a happy ending for him and Lora. " You did not answer me!" Lora's voice with excitement and intrigue brought her back to the present. " Oh yeah, well he said. " She felt the sensation in her stomach when Craig's face flashed in her mind.

" When did he say that and when did the two of you talk about it?" She got the suspected look from Lora.
She's always been good in her intuitions. She shared everything with her. She knows everything about her. A friend she would never exchange. Likewise, a secret has no place in their heart. They made a covenant which whoever keeps secret will soon die. A childish agreement though, but she values it so much. " He went to school yesterday and threatened me." She jokingly said. " actually, he wanted to go out with me tonight, but, you know I can't " She could taste the bitterness in her own voice. She likes him and she knew it. But it's just too quick. It's not yet the time to focus on her emotions. They're young for that besides true love waits.

"He is really dashing" The woman almost fell on her chair with her head turning. She could hear the girls talking under their breaths behind her as the center of their attention walked with grace, masculine and with damn-looking physic. Eyes that seemed always asking. Lips that one would want to kiss forever.
a road shoulder that one would want to wrap the arms and rest for a long moment. How can a man have such a look?She castigated herself. She's not of that different with these girls behind her who are drooling like a crazy dog waiting to lavish the meat out of hunger. " Hey! are you okay?" That was Lora, seemed worried.
" I know what you're thinking right now. Is he really that handsome that you did not notice your mouth was actually wide open?" She knew Lora was just teasing her but she bet it did.

" You're here'' her inside jerked as she heard his voice. That sexy voice she could listen forever.

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