Nostalgia - Drop In The Ocean - DITO Post

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Is This The Little Girl I Carried?

I don't remember growing older... Kirsten's in London now. Flew out of Boston last night, for a semester away. Weird, I don't remember... she was in Kindergarten, then, she was at the Airport with a friends, and they were giddy and passing TSA... I don't remember her getting older... When did she?

When did she get to be a beauty?

Wasn't it yesterday when she was small? Yep, snuggled into her crib... tucked and tuckered. The sleep of innocence. Dad's day, a win, as I protected her one more time. But, what to do? what to do? She's a big ole pond away and the world's a scary place, these days. I guess, I have to admit, it's all in her capable hands, now.

About all I can is depend on her experience and her education and hope that, she's ready for the world.
Oh, and London?

Hang on to your Macks, cause, I sure hope you are ready for her!!!

Happy New Year

Celebrate and enjoy each other!

Photos Copyright by Bluefin Studios


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