no spell check bicth...fuck you..and the ico you rode on........

o'k let me make on good blog, but i'm not a freaking blogger i hate freaking typing, this is feeling really goofy right now, and it's not because i'm high on gas, slang term for weed to you out of hood demographic's but fuck it's real. omg if this shit don't blow up, i mean the steemit platform, there's going to be one scapegoat, and don't you motherfucker damn try to blame my homey @jerrybanfield, cause he's gang gang, i really don't know the guy but fuck it this is the future, so if i follow you, i know you. i hope all this computer blockchain shit don;t turn out to be something from a crazy sci-fi movies, cause God just might be sick like that, just joking to the all my church folks. amen.i sent the pastor the check grandma, just calm down, it's coming.. As soon as i cash out my tenx token, cause these motherfuckers had my money tie up in the wallet for over a week or so, what THE Fuck prevent these motherfucker from flying off in jet's with our money starting a global war, cause we american's got to catch motherfuking supa-greek with all our coin's. The why i announce the formation of the CRYPTO COPS...It's actually a movie, maybe more ascript ,that i wrote where Counties get together and launch cryptocop like the supa geek feds, and with the black guy coming off of a future sheild super hero, and ask "WhaT IN YOUR WALLET" BITCOIN?

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