No Soliciting!...Seriously don't ring the bell

Hurry, hide, turn off the tv, turn off the lights, here comes a solicitor. How many times have you done this? I know I have a million times over the years. Two of my biggest pet peeves are, 1. being late and 2. solicitors. egh!!no soliciting.jpg

I don't know what it is about solicitors, but I really hate when they come to the door. I know, I know, ya'll that don't mind are probably saying right now. "But what if it's something you "want" to buy?" And I'm thinking, If I want to buy something, I'll just go to the damn store, buy it online, or call someone. I don't need someone coming to my door interrupting "my" time. I could be having a moment with family and or friends. I could be taking a nap because I had insomnia the night before or someone in our household just got home from work from pulling an all-nighter (Military folks do this) Or whatever....and then "ding dong" Solicitor Interrupted.

And don't get me started on when they pretend they don't see the sticker in the window or by the door bell. Well, I went and made me a sign, a RED sign in fact. It's right there, clear as day. This also goes for religious folk that feels the need to go to one's door to sell someone on their religion. Don't do it. When you see the No Soliciting sign, just walk away. It's the same thing. You are selling and bothering others in their space.

I know kids need to get their fundraiser items sold, and I understand that. I was a mom that had to get out and sell raffle tickets and candy bars to help pay for my kids' uniforms. But I never went door to door. I sold them at work, in the parking lot of a football game, or at the night club, I went to. (hint: most were drunk anyway so they would buy the ) Call, PM on Facebook or text your neighbor and ask them if they want to purchase something. Make an appointment when they have the time. JMO

So, yeah, seriously, don't ring the bell at my house. Or anyone's house that has a sign "NO SOLICITING" Give a little respect.

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