A modern interpretation of Norwegian Culture


A building truly connected with its surroundings

In early April 2008 the prime minister, the national orchestra, king of Norway and yeah.. every important person in the country did meet at the shorelines of Oslo. A completely new Opera House designed by the Architectural office Snøhetta was now opened. Its shape of a iceberg and direction towards the sea had the intention to express Norwegian cultural as well as housing the best classical musicians and dancers in the kingdom.


The building consist of a withe marble roof, a big glass window and within a volume made out of wood.

The marble roof is not only a roof, but also a public city flooring accessible for the people visiting the city. In many ways the roof/floor is a public space, a piazza or plaza. If you find yourself at this roof you can lay down by the sea or walk on top of the roof looking at the great view of Oslo fjord.


If you enter the building you will be surrounded by a huge glass window pointing to the blue sky which let light in as well an overview of people walking on the roof. Notice the girl wearing the blu raincoat up in the middle.

The one and only contrast in this building... The space with wood walls leads light in to the building, prevents reverberation and also hosts the big scene and auditorium of the Opera.


If you are traveling to the capital of Norway the Opera House is a must see attraction for both architects and tourist. Trough this modern translation of Norwegian culture and design you will see and feel the kingdoms landscape even tough you are in the middle of an urban environment.


Thats it for now! Meanwhile i enjoy this sunset i hope you up vote and follow me for more architecture and crafts!

See you next post!

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