Design of circular outdoor furniture - Norwegian Woood work


This time steemians! we are going to look deeper in to the work i did, creating an outdoor circular furniture! First of all... how do you build something circular in wood?! The question lies in natures ability to be bended, my friend.

Let first start withe the form.. The shape of the furniture was based on its users need. As this where going to be given to a kindergarten we looked for a form with variation, considering a day with play, eat and relax. The different levels will give many variations in sitting and the circular form soft edges, not harming the children.


IMG_3217 2.jpg


The materials we used to create this furniture was oak as flooring and pine wood as cladding. The oak is very resistant to water, making it perfect for flooring outside. The pine wood was chosen because of its ability to be bendt. The pine was cut out by an industrial saw at only 4 mm, then made soft and bendable bye laying in water for 24 hours. Together wit strong outdoor/ expanding glue and not least a nail-gun we mange to bend the pine wood around the circular construction!


Please follow and up vote to see the end result of this project. Estimated to be complete within the summer :)

if you enjoyed this post: check out my wooden backpack below:

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