DrugwarS - Vikings [NORWAY] - URGENT - day 8 & 9

The Vikings are known for their beliefs (VALHALLA), exploring the world and new games to play. MEET THE VIKINGS ON THE BATTLEGROUD AND YOU WILL REGRET YOU WAS EVER BORN INTO THIS WORLD. - "I did all my best tradeoff's with the Vikings"- @Ramta Reddington

Training of soldiers

I got an urgent message from:

CAPO - @TommyHansen - Drill Sergeant Major - Drill officer of the highest rank in a company or unit of battalion size. He knows how to build an army that wipes out the enemy before breakfast. He knows what army you should have so the enemy can not steal your drugs anymore. He has a license to remove a gang from the face of the earth.

The soldiers game plan has changed completely. I will be back with more information to you Boss when I have been studying how it works in combat. In the meantime tell the whole Viking gang to read about the new abilities of the soldiers HERE If they are not logged in, it is under "bootcamp" in the left menu.

Here is the new Fight simulator to play around with to learn.

I will be back with more information as soon as I have been testing it out to perfection Boss.
Your Capo @TommyHansen

….and then we all got very busy again!

@Ramta Reddington

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