Nearly deported!

Just a quick little story of what happened yesterday :)

Listen to your gut feelings. I had a great morning at work and went to the office to go get new magazines and decided to go home to relax and maybe even have a long weekend away from Oslo.
I saw my mate was on the street that the office is on, and 3 guys were talking to him. They were obviously plain clothed police so I didnt even greet him and carried on walking thinking they were doing searches.
I walked up to the office and opened the door and saw it was completely packed and chaos and so I sat outside to wait for it to calm down.

Big Mistake

One of them came up to me and asked if I speak Norwiegen, and I said English. He said to me he was from immigration police.
-"Do you have any ID on you?" he asked
-"No I dont sorry" I replied. (I never carry any ID with me and in fact have sometimes told them on various occasions in various country's that I had been robbed a couple of days before whilst sleeping and they took everything. I refuse to connect my being to their man made laws and statutes and actually every time I am good to go, with no problems after they realize that im not taking part)

How long have you been in Norway?
-"Two winters" I said, but I travel to different countrys often.

I didnt know about the 3 month rule that you have to leave the country and said I went to Sweden to see a friend at Christmas and theres also a rule that you must be looking for a job

After finding me on the system, they said to me that my friend should look after my dogs. I thought we were going to the station over something or other, when they said to me:

"Your going back to England within a couple of hours"

I laughed and asked if they were joking and they certainly wernt, their mood changed from friendly to "we are the boss" and fair enough, no big deal I said aslong as im not paying for it.
I said that I must go into the office where my mate now was and to give him all my things and give back all my magazines. It was funny there is always some kind of commotion and as I walked in everybody greeted me, and I replied in a loud voice "Im getting deported!" I gave my things to Cronus and told him id be back in a week and to look after my dogs.
He knows how it is with the madness I have here in Norway with sudden huge changes just sprouting from nothing.
I gave all the magazines back and collected the money I had there and gave that to Cronus too.

The office is great , there is a rule that a policeman is never allowed to enter and so one of the workers went out to speak with them. He came back in saying that they wanted a word and I had to go out again..
In the UK "A word" means a pair of handcuffs and so that was it I was ready to go.

I went back outside and they had the friendly mode back on by their body language.
They said to me - "Your in the Grey Zone"..

"Nice" - I said in my mind.

They asked me again if I was here looking for a job, and I said " Well I have a Job" and pointed to the magazine office. They then said " Are you here in Norway looking for a Job?" and all 3 of then stood nodding their heads.

" Ah yes, I forgot , I am looking for a job your right! This is just to pay my way until I find a real job!"
They then told me I should go every 3 months to Sweden for shopping and then keep the receipts and that way ill have no problems in the future.
Literally the whole scenario went from "your coming with us" to them telling me what to do so I can stay a freeman without registering myself.
Then they walked off.

Norway. The country with the most friendly and confusing policeman in the world!

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