Episode 3: Fearless Norwegians 'Norse Mythology and Glima'

The initiator behind this TV show is Hanne Nabintu Herland: A profiled religious historian and author.

In this episode we meet Lars Magnar Enoksen: An expert on Viking culture and a Scandinavian head instructor in the old norse martial art Glima.

Unfortunately, the series is not texted in English yet.
I have been in contact with the producer, as I reckon that it should have a broader audience than just Norwegians.

The music is mainly from the Norwegian norse band Wardruna, which is also behind the music in the well known TV series Vikings.

Some highlights from the episode:

✒The battle between the Good and Evil, is more a modern concept and was not really that relevant in Norse mythology: The Gods could be both good and evil according to circumstances.
A good example is Loki, the trickster God, which sometimes helped the other Gods, while other times tricked them (he indirectly killed Baldr).

✒Women had a pretty strong position in the Viking societies and had the same right to inheritance as men. Some were good fighters: the so called shieldmaidens.
Odin’s own shieldmaidens, the valkyries, choose those who may die in battle and those who may live.
Those who died came to Valhalla, where they prepared for the events of Ragnarök during the day, and during the night the valkyries bear them mead, and they partied to the next day.
Speeking of the valkyries, I have fell in love with this blog valkyja.com.

✒Many of the names of the days are made in honor of norse Gods:
Tuesday is named after the Norse god of war Tyr.
Wednesday is named to honor the chief Norse god Wodan (Odin).
Thursday is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, Thor.
Friday is the day in honor of the Norse goddess of love Frigg.

✒The martial art, Glima is on the rise, and is the authentic Viking way of fighting. Unfortunately, there is not any Glima fighting in Oslo, yet, or I would have started immediately💪

Episode 3: Fearless Norwegians 'Norse Mythology and Glima'

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