Sugar-free peanut cake you would love <3

Then I have come home from a long shift

With a lot of running, stairs, stress - but also a lot of nice visits to those I'm in for one evening. What's a little exciting with my job is that it's never completely predictable - good and bad. I feel like things happen and it's so amazing to crawl to bed when their feet and body have worked as drummers through guard.

The day also started the mood - both with a good strength on the leg, high repetition. Lovely with good contact through the session. Seems Mondays sets a little bit the standard for the week - so it's so delicious when you get a bang start both day and week.

Before bedtime, I will share a delicious recipe for sugar-free peanut cake. I found the recipe online, but I have adjusted the raw materials so that the recipe satisfied my requirements for content and nutrition. I left something left like butter - since the cake would not be the same without.

♥ 4 dl finely ground almonds // almond flour
♥ 2 dl unsalted peanuts
♥ 1 dl Sukrin Melis
♥ 2 eggs
♥ 100 g of melted butter

Peanut icing:
♥ 100 g dark chocolate (eg Tagatose dark chocolate)
♥ 150 g peanut butter (organic variation, for example)
♥ 50 g butter
♥ 2 tablespoon cream

Progress Method:
♥ Mash the peanuts easily with a spellmaker or in a kitchen machine, to get a mix of finely ground and coarse peanuts.
♥ Mix the chopped peanuts, finely ground almonds and SukrinMelis.
♥ Peel the eggs together before you rub them well into the dough with a spoon. Finally stir in the butter.
♥ Pull the pipe out into a small long pan shape.
♥ Stekes in the middle of the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
♥ Pour the chocolate into pieces. Melt all the ingredients of icing together in a saucepan. Let it cool slightly before it is lubricated over the cake. Put it cold so that the glaze stiffens. Cut the cake into rows, or use gingerbread shapes to put out nice shapes.

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