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Accessed by clicking an affiliate's name in your Genealogy Report, the Affiliate Snapshot is an SFI business tool accessed by clicking an affiliate’s name from your Genealogy, and also from various leaderboards, winners lists, recognition lists, and so on throughout the Affiliate Center. Generally speaking, if you see a linked affiliate name, it’s likely linked to their Affiliate Snapshot (i.e. click their name to see their Affiliate Snapshot). NOTE: One exception to this is in the Forum, where you access a person’s Affiliate Snapshot by clicking their photo in the mini profile panel located to the right of their post.

This Affiliate Snapshot contains an affiliate's account photo, name, location, title, badges, and more. And if it’s a PSA, CSA, or other team member, other information is provided, including various team-building and communication tools. There's also a link to the Affiliate Manager for that affiliate if you're his/her sponsor or co-sponsor and a “Recommended” tab displaying SFI products and services you recommend (per your Leadership Page recommendations).
Give the gift of TripleClicks!
Looking for a great way to encourage your PSAs to get active in SFI? Consider issuing an Gift Certificate. They're a great way to encourage activity in your downline AS WELL AS a no-risk option to help motivate inactive Personally Referred Members (PRMs) to take another look at Tripleclicks.

Use the Gift Certificate Manager to add funds to your TripleClicks Gift Certificate account, view pending certificates, etc. To issue a Gift Certificate to one of your affiliates, go to your Genealogy Report and click the Gift Cert tab, and click the "Buy Now" link to purchase a Gift Certificate for a specific affiliate.

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