QAnon is Real, Confirmed by Trump Himself in a "Coded" Tweet !

Hi there Steemsters of Truth ) So there are many rumours now circulating on Youtube saying that QAnon is Fake and is just some troll spewing out these cryptic messages for some sort of fun and games to mislead and give people a false sense of hope where there is not !

Well recently QAnon made a post which literally prempted the very words that Trump would use some days later in a Tweet made from his official Twitter account ! So how did somebody not supossedly connected to Trump manage to guess the very words that Trump would use in this Tweet and days before he did ?? Surely this shows that Trump and QAnon might well be coordinatiing their releases to steer the progress of their actions against the Cabal which shows real signs of being under pressure now ! Here below is the message of interest concerning this confirmation that QAnon is indeed the real deal !

" Catch & Release "

" Safety & Security "


Have you learned how to read the message?


And here is the Tweet released by Trump thanking the Border Wall Agency for their great work !

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Thank you to Brandon Judd of the National Border Patrol Council for his strong statement on @foxandfriends that we very badly NEED THE WALL. Must also end loophole of “catch & release” and clean up the legal and other procedures at the border NOW for "Safety & Security" reasons.

See that ? Surely this is a confirmation that QAnon is real and somebody who is one of Trumps closest aids and with first hand knowledge of Trumps agenda doted no doubt with the highest of Security levels?? Certainly not some up jumped Kid in his Moms Basement ??

Just in case you have not seen them all yet, here is a link to all the QAnon messages so far !!

Here are two videos which will confirm to you the importance and connection of these two messages and what they allude too! Concerning the connection between the recently arrested Prince Waleed and the Clinton Foundation that recieved untold billions from him to help in their agenda under this " trojan " horse of Liberality and Decadence for the political and cultural overthrow and Destruction of the Democratic Free thinking America in favour of the One World Goverment Criminal Cabal and their Social Marxist Bootboys of Antifa and the BLM Zombies !

I hope once you have watched them that any doubts you may have had on this infamously mysterious poster of AChan known as "QAnon" is the real deal and that maybe, just maybe, we can indeed have hope for some pretty serious high level arrests and a move away from this digusting tower of tyranny which has ruled over all our lives for far too long !


Anti School
Published on 27 Jan 2018

Was QAnon with Trump on AirForce One ? Is he ideed one of the key members of Trumps Intelligence teams ?

There has been some discussion as to who Q could be, but given that many there is a great deal of security and classification around those that travel with the United States president, it would be really impossible to tell. However it seems to be at least someone with a window seat !

Congress Gives Hillary 2 Weeks to Explain Trump Dossier !

Operation HAL
Published on 27 Jan 2018

Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below !



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