Bring Da Noise! is back, but with a new name and look

Back in the bull market, one of the many SoFi apps that was introduced was Noise.Cash. This was a kind of twitter-like social media platform that was backed with a pool of Bitcoin Cash, doled out to users who got or gave Likes and other basic social media activity. It was fun and I found out about many of the games I still play today through Noise.Cash users, though not all of those games have turned out to be wise financial investments haha!

Noise.Cash went through several iterations and then shut down. There was speculation that the original pool of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) had run out, or the founders had moved on to other projects. The original aim seemed to have been to build knowledge of and use cases for BCH, and at least with me it succeeded brilliantly! I really came to like BCH and it was the coin I used most often for moving assets around because it is FAST and it is CHEAP to use. As with any other fast and cheap coin, devs have been working on DeFi applications through the smart contracts extension of SmartBCH. This is not my area of expertise, but if you have used BSC, SOL, or MATIC DeFi, it felt more or less the same to me.

When I was using Noise.Cash, I would get regular microtransactions of BCH, which I - being the genius that I am - would send to Celsius so that I could earn interest on it until I was a Kajillionnaire. Of course, Celsius turns out not to have been a good place to send it at all, and a good chunk of my overall crypto "wealth" is locked up while Celsius stumbles through a depressing bankruptcy.

However, not only is Noise back in a different form, but it is also easy to have any BCH you might gain there automatically deposited to your Hive-Engine Wallet (go to Deposit, dropdown to Swap.BCH, copy address, paste as wallet in Noise). That is so cool! I love any project that helps me build my Hive Wallet.

It is early days for the new Noise app, but it has a nice, clean look and it pretty easy to post to. There is a twist of course. To defend against spam and general dreck, there are two twists, actually.

First, you need an invite to join Noise. Here is my referral if you are interested:

Second, you can like and follow anyone you want, but in order to comment, they need to follow you back. I think that happens when Noise users see you are there to share consistently. If you sign up with my referral and follow me, I will follow you back so that we can comment on each other's posts. Of course, you can find other referral links if you prefer and I will probably follow you back anyway :)

Just remember to make sure to put this -->

In this -->

Thanks for reading, maybe I will see you over on Noise!

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