NOIA Network: Paving the way for Internet 2.0


Before we get started - An earning Opportunity with NOIA!

Readers here is a chance to earn passive income with NOIA. In fact, passive may not even be the right word as those interested will be doing nothing and earning NOIA tokens. And those interested in maximizing their income can refer friends and earn more! 

All these details at the end of this article. So, read till the end!  

The best is saved for the last!



The borderless world, as envisaged in the book “The World is Flat”, is already here and in many ways is enabled by the internet. Since the innovative launch of the World Wide Web (www) in 1991, the internet has been a medium of interaction ever since. A content provider can have an audience from anywhere in the world and there is no stopping a good artist, writer, or even a job provider from reaching out to the masses. This has also resulted in the evolution of information over the years. Earlier a simple chat was good enough for connectivity, however, as we progressed, images, videos, and podcast became popular in connecting people. Everything from education to nature conservation, from how-to-do to what-not-to-do was made in a video form and uploaded on any of the video hosting sites. But here’s where things started to get a bit difficult.

Since video and image files were heavy as compared to text files, they also required a larger bandwidth for the transition from the hosted site to the user’s site. And if the geographical distance was larger there would be issues with latency and in some cases quality. To counter this, the images and videos were cached in spread out locations acting as Point of Presence (PoP) or Data Centers (DC) which would make them available to users requiring them. This helped in managing reach to a certain extent.  

However, a more chronic issue came to the fore thereafter. The bandwidth availability and hence access varied across geographies. While the North Americas, APAC and Europe could be termed as ones having good network connectivity, the South Americas, Middle East, and Africa made up the other side of the spectrum with relatively less network bandwidth and hence connectivity. Even with a well-spread out Content Delivery Network (CDN) the problem of speed and quantum of access would remain. This condition is only set to get worse if not addressed effectively. Why so?

Take a look at the graph below:

What we are looking here is the fact that the CDN market will grow to USD 31 billion in 2022 while the web-hosting market to USD 154 billion. The reason for CDN growth is not difficult to see. Usage of videos and images will only increase, and we haven’t yet touched upon the bandwidth need for AI, Machine Learning, Gaming, etc. which are all resource intensive (Database and Bandwidth). In fact, web solutions employing AI or even IoT, are at the moment only at a nascent stage, we can only imagine what would be the infrastructure need when these solutions grow. In short, the growth in web-hosting services is not in line with this expected growth in solutions of the future.

So, what do we do? 

Well, we look at the blockchain for a solution. And who better than NOIA to show us the way!

Let’s get to know NOIA and their blockchain solution

Before we get to know NOIA in detail, there is just one more variable that needs to be understood. We are talking about the growth in the Personal Computers (PCs) and their configuration. Today, we are looking at computers with greater processing power (i3, i5, i7) and huge storage space which is in TBs (the days of GBs are passing). Which means, with not much of change in the habit of an individual PC user, the user’s PC is becoming more powerful and more spacious. Which also means more of idle bandwidth and more of idle space, and this is only set to rise in the future. Can this be put to use in some way? 

Well, NOIA seem to have thought about this more than most of us have and they have a unique solution. The gist is quite simple to understand, we just saw how there is a growth in idle bandwidth and space at the hands of individual users and many of them are connected to the network too. Which means, these can act as virtual CDNs and can host data to make it available to the nearest user. When this happens we are automatically addressing the problem of shortage of web-hosting services of the future. In fact, if this is turned into a commercial model, the users sharing their unused space and bandwidth can earn from it. This is what NOIA has come up with as a solution.

NOIA’s whitepaper describes them as follows:

NOIA is the next-generation content scaling network, powered by blockchain technology. It utilizes unused bandwidth from computers around the world to create a widely distributed, efficient and integral layer of internet infrastructure for global content delivery. 
By applying the next-generation peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocols, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology, NOIA aims to combine hundreds of thousands of computers to serve as a POP in one single “intranet” and provide an opportunity to every web content provider in the world to use this “intranet” to deliver their content to a global audience.

Since it is a blockchain solution, decentralization is at the heart of it. This also means that the solution does not have a single point of failure which would be the case with traditional CDNs. Also, NOIA doesn’t project itself as a competition to current CDNs, rather, they can be seen as an optimization layer or content scaling layer which can work with traditional CDNs as well.  

The solution is deployed through a smart contracts layer which governs all relationships in the network. NOIA’s aim is to create a huge automated network of nodes capable of interacting and allowing the flow of value as written in the smart contracts and thereby, realizing the most-reliable, cost-effective and efficient content delivery service. 

Here take a look at a video explaining NOIA network by the NOIA Team:

What are the benefits of NOIA’s solution?

Most of the benefits, from our discussion so far, are apparent. However, let's look at them nonetheless.

  1. By sharing their unused space and bandwidth, users are able to earn passively 
  2. Decentralization brings the source of a website closer to the user 
  3. No single point of failure 
  4. Cost of web-hosting becomes cheaper through NOIA model and it becomes extremely optimized and efficient 
  5. Current CDN operators can look at NOIA as an optimization layer over their current architecture 
  6. There is virtually unlimited bandwidth and space made available to users, content hosts and CDNs 
  7. Any user with internet connection can get access to the web content without the issues of latency or load times. [Because the decentralized host is closer to the user than before] 
  8. Performance reliability and stability increases as the number of nodes increase. Rerouting can effectively happen even if few nodes go down 
  9. Extremely low overheads. NOIA, unlike traditional CDNs deploying large Data Centers, does not have to invest in space or infrastructure. As such, the overall cost comes down 1
  10. The price of such a service would be multiple times cheaper for users as compared to current CDN costs

NOIA’s Architecture

For the technically inclined, the NOIA architecture has two distinct elements: 

1. Content Scaling Layer (CSL)  

This layer is a combination of Peer to Peer (P2P) File Transfer protocols, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology designed to track content being delivered through the network 

2. Governance Layer 

This layer consists of Smart Contract on the blockchain designed to manage the value flow in the network. Talking in specific it defines the NOIA tokens and how it is transferred between actors in the network 

To understand how content scaling actually works in NOIA network, let's look at the following pictorial representation:

Unlike most technologies, whose inception requires the undoing of the existing system, NOIA networks is designed to harmoniously work with existing infrastructure, system and technologies. Companies, individuals, and web-hosts, would be already using the services of an Amazon or Akamai, in such cases NOIA can work with these centralized solutions to further optimize content delivery. Also, NOIA is in position to take advantage of future decentralized solutions like IPFS, Sia, Storj, etc. NOIA, therefore, is perfectly placed to work in conjunction with centralized and decentralized solutions available to users.

Here is a pictorial representation of the same:

Competition and how NOIA Fares?

When we talk about competition, we would ideally want to compare NOIA with similar networks on the blockchain or similar concept. However, being one of the firsts they simply do not have competition employing the same model. Therefore, to show commercial advantage it becomes easier to take traditional CDNs as reference points. That is what we intend to do here. Take a look at the cost numbers to see how cost-effective NOIA really is.

Mind you, we did say the NOIA can actually work with the traditional CDNs as well. Therefore, the overall cost in such an intertwined network would be cheaper than the traditional networks all by themselves. The obvious cost disadvantage for traditional networks is the overheads that they have to manage as compared to NOIA.

And who are great minds behind NOIA?

Getting Started with NOIA Testnet – Incredible Passive Income Opportunity!

For ease of understanding, I am reproducing the steps to follow to join the NOIA Testnet. If interested you can read the original article here.

Firstly, to encourage participants NOIA team will be giving out 200 NOIA tokens every week. What’s more there is more tokens to be won if you refer friends to the party! But here’s the thing. This offer is limited to only 2,000 participants and the places are fast filling, if not already filled.  


Now, let’s see how to get started with NOIA Testnet:


Sign up with NOIA Network here and complete the KYC to get approved and quality for the Airdrop. 


Visit NOIA Network GitHub Page here. Follow instruction given to download the NOIA Client Software and install it on your machine.  


This is the important step. To qualify for the airdrop ensure that you follow the follow points carefully. 

[A] Ensure that your machine (node) is properly configured. The ETH address provided in the node settings should be the same as the one given in the KYC 

[B] Ensure that the 8058 UDP data port and 8048 TCP control port is opened  

[C] Node (machine) must be up and running for at least an aggregate time of 72 hours per week 

[D] Talking about the timer – it resets every Friday at 12:00 p.m. UTC 


On completion of Step 3, participants can start running the node, even if the KYC application is pending approval. The time will be recorded and accounted for on approval 


And now as the participants are up and running, we move to providing opportunity to earn more. You will be receiving a unique referral link. You can share it with friends and your network to increase your weekly rewards of NOIA tokens.

To learn more about the referral link, log in to the NOIA dashboard here.

Issues, if any

You can reach out to NOIA Team on their Telegram Channel for clarification.

So, that’s it. Get started then!!

We encourage readers to do their own research and get to know NOIA in-depth through any of the following informative resources.

Image Courtesy:  NOIA Resources

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