Run Docker Node-RED with mounted "data" and "node-red" folders

Current version:

Create docker network if it doesn't exist

docker network create --driver bridge digitaloak --subnet
  1. Run Node-RED container, copy folders, remove and run it again with mounted folders
    docker run -d -ti \
    --name node-red \
    --restart always \
    -p 8080:1880 \
    sleep 5
    docker cp -a -L node-red:/data /home/ec2-user/environment 
    docker cp -a -L node-red:/usr/src/node-red /home/ec2-user/environment 
    docker rm -f node-red 
    docker run -ti -d \
    --name node-red \
    --hostname node-red \
    --mount type=bind,source=/home/ec2-user/environment/data,target=/data \
    --mount type=bind,source=/home/ec2-user/environment/node-red,target=/usr/src/node-red \
    --restart always \
    --net digitaloak \
    --ip \
    -p 8080:1880 \
  2. Change container user UID and GID (to 501 if you are running Amazon Linux)
    docker exec -ti -u root node-red bash
    echo >> /etc/apk/repositories 
    apk --no-cache add shadow 
    usermod -u 501 node-red 
    groupmod -g 501 node-red 
    find / -user 1000 -exec chown -h node-red {} \;
    find / -group 1000 -exec chgrp -h node-red {} \;
  3. Restart Node-RED container
    docker restart node-red

If you running it via Cloud9, you can "Preview Running Application" to open NR in browser.

Secure with self-signed certificate

If you are using NR via Cloud9 "Preview Running Application", communication is secured but if you enabled it to be available outside, you may want to enable SSL.

  1. Create folder /data/ssl inside NR container (in C9 it will be ~/environment/data/ssl)
    mkdir ~/environment/data/ssl
    cd ~/environment/data/ssl
  2. Generate private key, CSR (fill interactive form) and certificate
    openssl genrsa -out pkey.pem 2048
    openssl req -new -sha256 -key pkey.pem -out csr.pem
    openssl x509 -req -in csr.pem -signkey pkey.pem -out cert.pem
  3. Enable SSL in config /data/settings.js inside NR containers (in c9 it will be ~/environment/data/settings.js).
    Uncomment and make changes as below:
        https: function() {
            // This function should return the options object, or a Promise
            // that resolves to the options object
            return {
                key: require("fs").readFileSync('/data/ssl/pkey.pem'),
                cert: require("fs").readFileSync('/data/ssl/cert.pem')
        requireHttps: true,
  4. Restart con tainer
    docker restart node-red

Now communication is secured.
If you running it via C9, "Preview Running Application" will not work, I don't know why but if you decided to secure it, you probably using NR from outside, so you can access it via EC2 public domain name using "https" protocol and port "8080" (or other you have opened).

Enable Authentication

Secure access to your NR instance.

  1. Uncomment adminAuth section in config /data/settings.js inside NR containers (in c9 it will be ~/environment/data/settings.js).
        adminAuth: {
            type: "credentials",
            users: [{
                username: "admin",
                password: "$2b$08$MOZq3wGebVKU.AFpVGBO7.8PSWy9GG.VUgNXR8f8EEdQccFQw5gHS",
                permissions: "*"
  2. Enter into container
    docker exec -ti node-red bash
  3. Generate password for admin
    /usr/src/node-red/node_modules/.bin/node-red admin hash-pw
  4. Replace password (command output) for admin
  5. Exit from container
  6. Restart container
    docker restart node-red

You can set permissions to:

  • * - full access
  • read - read only access

More to read here:

Enable Projects (git support)

You can track changes by enabling Projects feature.

  1. Edit /data/settings.js inside container (in C9 /home/ec2-user/environment/data/settings.js), change value for "editorTheme" > "projects" > "enabled" from "false" to "true".
        editorTheme: {
            projects: {
                // To enable the Projects feature, set this value to true
                enabled: true
  2. Restart container
    docker restart node-red

Video (steps visualisation)

Video is also available on


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In article Create development environment for container-based applications using AWS Cloud9 (Node-RED example you can read more about running Node-RED.

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