Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Price

Here we go again with the Nobel Peace Prize nominations. So, talks of fire and fury with North Korea and bombing record numbers of bombs in the middle east during his first year, can get you nominated for a Nobel Peace price.
Oh yeah, Obama did actually receive a Nobel Peace Price but then again he had these really talented speech writers and you know, was down with the kids and charming. Then he attacked 7 countries AFTER receiving the price.
This trend isn't new. Campaign on peace, then hawkish after getting (s)elected.
Imagine this scenario if you will. Every elected president after John F Kennedy, getting called to a cigar smoke filled, shady room where the real leaders, owners of the country are waiting. The newly elected president sits down and a screen rolls down. They show the president a footage of Kennedy being shot from an previously never seen angle. Then they ask the president "Any questions?"
#NobelPeacePrice #campaignonpeace #hawkish #trump #obama #Kennedy #NorthKorea #MiddleEast #BombForPeacePriceNomination image

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