I Give Up Social Media

"I'm sorry, but she looks like a ho," said I.

"Well, she's really nice and she wants to be an influencer. She gets sponsored by Nike," she said.

I quickly adjusted my judgemental tone. "Yeah, If I was cute as her, I probably would have stripped down too."

My cousin quickly snapped at me, "You know unni.. we are all born to seek for some type of attention. That's just human nature."

This is a conversation between my cousin and me inside the Uber. She quickly grew up. We are only 8 years apart but look at me pretending to be her mother. She showed me one of her friend's Instagram photos. She was stunning but she wore nothing except a bra and underwear.

In Korean, we call this, "관종" meaning attention whore or PG 13 version is "attention seekers."

I perfectly fit all this qualification. Yes! I am an attention seeker, but who says you aren't?

Let me tell you more. Everyone wants something quick? We live in a generation in which we can get everything instantly. Of course, I'm Korean!!! I love everything bali-bali or 빨리빨리. Any other social networking apps allow us to connect at lightning speed.

But see, I'm addicted to Instagram and I wish to exit out of the silly Instagram culture or addiction.

On top of that lately, I've been extra annoyed. I started to ask myself, "What does she or he going to this place looking perfect has to do anything with me?", "What am I in it for?", "What am I learning from your post?", "What kind of new insights am I gaining from your post?" or "Oh, my goodness! She's getting married?"

Long story short, how do I even know what all my posts or your post are real? Knowing how insecure I am, I'm only comparing myself to others. I'm not mentally strong enough to ignore all these incredible perfect posts.

Anyhow, I want something meaningful to me. If I find something to be meaningful, I hope that my followers can find it meaningful as well. Maybe I'm your friend's mutual friend or maybe we met at the bar.

As much as I want you to get to know me, I want you to get to know me more intimately that involves much value and effort (not a quick upload button.)

So here are some of the things I plan on uploading. I've traveled to a few countries. I have many photos and thoughts to share. Secondly, I like to watch tons of movies and read books weekly. Lastly, I have a crazy mind. I'm not 100% sure if this is a great thing. Yet I can assure you that I can think of 100 things a minute. Well, my point is I have an authentic voice with a huge ego that can't contain her thoughts. Someone once said, "We’re drowning in a sea of fakeness and all of us are craving something real for breakfast" I'll make sure you don't drown in a sea of fakeness. I can be your lifeguard. Maybe I'm worth reading?

So would you still follow me?


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