LIVE from Athens – Hero’s Journey with Judith Delozier . Day 2 30/09/2017

What we all humans have in common? We born, we die and we have struggles. Each one of us has its own unique hardships and we embark on journey to face them. This is The Hero’s Journey, an archetypical metaphor that represents what we all humans deal each day of our lives.


This is the second day of an NLP seminar based on the concept of the Hero’s journey. The seminar is conducted by Judith Delozier and takes places in Athens,Greece.

For starters let me remind you the steps of the Hero’s Journey.
Awakening to the call
Accepting the call
Facing and Transforming Fears
Gathering the allies
Finding the Gift
Returning Home

The Seminar is not linear, which means it doesn’t describe the steps one by one, but rather focuses on certain aspects of the journey and presents them through biomatic NLP exercises.
So, without further ado this is what happened today.

Finding Shelter

Even the most courageous of heroes sometimes need a refuge, an asylum where inside can find security and reconstruct themselves. These energies that provide shelter can be called archetype energies, because all humans possess them. Every archetype energy has a purpose in supporting us, so that we can deal with the hardships and challenges of life. There are many archetype energies, but we will discuss three.
The Warrior which stands for determination
The Lover which stands for compassion
The Jester which stands for playfulness
The energy of the warrior is used to set boundaries. Compassion we need in order to connect with others and be able to give and receive feedback, so that we mature and change. Last but not least we need a touch of lighthearted spirit to become creative, flexible and explore new territories.


And until we all have more possibilities in life,

Be healthy , smile and Steem !

PS: Now, that you’ve reached the end of this article about the Hero’s Journey, I suppose that you know what you could do and that is upvote, resteem and follow, because this way we can create more. Right ?


Additional Reading
Part 1 of this Seminar link
Judith Delozier’s bio
Joseph Campbell Foundation webpage
The Encyclopedia of NLP webpage
NLPinGreece webpage
Alexandra Efthimiadou bio

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