Mental Frames

Mental Frame I - This is the first person perspective. When this mental frame is active you are inside your body, seeing out of your own eyes, having a subjective experience.

Mental Frame II - This mental frame is where you’ll use your emotional evaluation of others. In the second frame it’s about gaining insight into how people feel in the given situation.

Mental Frame III - This is where you’ll enter into a third person perspective. In this mental frame you are disconnected from the emotional elements of the situation. You engage logic and reason free from any entanglement of the emotional elements.

As you begin to experiment with these ideas. Note that you can easily switch from one frame to another. Try switching to mental frame three when speaking to someone next time. Notice and begin to develop this mental state.

Also when talking with others, notice their neurological ( everything connected to the mind ) responses when speaking to them. One exercise we give students is to find a random someone. Then begin a conversation with them. Notice what happens to their body language when you say ‘I agree’. This usually ‘softens’ the individual noticeably. This can be helpful in a tense situation where people are emotionally compromised on the negative end of the spectrum.

Understanding these key principles are one thing. Putting them into practice is another. However this is practical. It’s easy to talk with people about the subjects that interest you.

The second part of the exercise is to go along with the conversation and then suddenly say to them ‘I disagree’ after agreeing with them for awhile then notice the physiological response. Most of the time people recoil, if only slightly depending on the context of what you’re saying.

Experimenting with these basic language techniques can be fun and ultimately useful in a variety of situations. Practically every situation you can use language to influence outcome. Be advised though use these principles with care. Doing the wrong thing with this information isn’t advised.

Originally posted on Cult of Ron. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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