Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 32


Hello hello!
Welcome to Day 32 of training for my American Ninja Warrior application video. As I've mentioned, my video needs to be amazing... full of amazing montages of me doing amazing feats of dexterity and strength and so therefore I need to be amazing in it... but I do have 333 days to get good enough to submit something decent.

Since it's the first of the month, that means:

Each month I'll test myself against a series of actions that I think will be needed for the course. This first one will be the baseline. As per my explanationing post, I want to fit the following areas:

  • [x] Endurance
  • [x] Speed
  • [x] Core Strength
  • [ ] Grip Strength
  • [x] Jumping
  • [x] Balance
  • [x] Flexibility
  • [x] Diet

Grip strength isn't ticked above because of my Climber's Elbow, but hopefully that won't be an issue next month. Once it's sorted I'll add Chin Ups to the monthly tests as well.

Here is how I went today (results are in minutes, seconds, microseconds) compared to my results a month ago :

SectionActivityJan ResultFeb Result
Endurance3.8km hills28:48.0324:57.80
Speed400m sprint1:49.081:50.50
Jumping DistJump191 cm213 cms
Jumping VertJump263 cm300 cms
BalanceSlackline1 cross1 cross
FlexibilitySplits45 cms43 cms

I didn't look at my times at all before the test, which was a good idea. I just had to do as well as I could.

Really super amazingly freakin' happy with my Endurance run. To slice off 4 whole minutes is amazing. I pushed myself pretty hard, but I still had to walk a little up the hill, so there's definitely room for improvement. Totally haven't hit my peak in the 2nd month.


The speed test was disappointing. I'm clearly going to have to step up my sprints.
I do feel that this last month has been more about conditioning and getting my body ready to train hard.

Really disappointed with the balance slackline. I just haven't put the time in at all.... and it doesn't matter how strong you and how totally you can smash the 5th and 6th (upper body) obstacles if you fall in the water on the 3rd obstacle.

Images created by amazing Steemians Skyleap and Ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games

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