Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 28

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Hello hello!

So, weirdly, for the first time in 3 years, I was a bit under the weather... it was so weird. We had some tradies come over to fix a pipe that had burst, and they were here for nearly 2 days, and they totally made me sick... so I pretty much had all of last week off.

I made up for it on the weekend with some rad snowboarding and then the celebration of #farmlyfe on Sunday which consists mainly of shoveling mulch. For my entire adult life I never even had a metre of grass... and now I'm schlepping wheelbarrows over 5 acres. Life is good.

On the weekend, they held the ninja comp that I won last year. I didn't go to support because it's honestly really hard to watch everyone have an amazing time while I can't touch anything. This time next year though...

Really happy with my run today, my time was 26 minutes and 35 seconds... My legs have been feeling great the last two runs (although I was super DOMS from the weekend) and I'm happy for my effort.

The next thing to work on is to run through the discomfort of burning lungs. I haven't had to deal with this before now because I'd be slowed down by my Achilles. Not sure what the secret of running through the lung capacity, I assume it's mainly just trying real hard.

4 and half hill sprints.
Getting really rapt with my speed.

I didn't do any box jumps, calf raises or box step ups... I've already got all the DOMS.

This was as impossible as it looks.


I'm super relaxed diet-wise. I'm very slowly transitioning into a raw vegan diet... but honestly, the more I think about it, the more I just want to chill and not follow anything strict. So, I'm not sure at this point.

Off to do all the rehabs/rice buckets now. Thanks for reading!

Images created by amazing Steemians Skyleap and Ryivhnn

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