Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 22

Hey Ninjas!

Feeling really good today, which is surprising because I absolutely went to town on my legs yesterday. I actually didn't think I'd be able to walk today, but not only was I bouncing around but I think I could have handled a sneaky little jog if I was that way inclined.

Tuesday is upper body day, which is exciting but nerve-wracking. I really want to improve my grip strength and all the ninja hanging muscles, but I don't want to hamper my super-slow recovery of my Climber's Elbow.

I felt sore in the shoulders and back from my little workout on Sunday... so that wasn't ideal... and my left rotator cuff wasn't too amused either. Not really sure what's going on there so I'll have to keep an eye on it all.

Working the shoulders

Some Aussie Ninjas will be in the US in 2 weeks to compete in some comps across the other side of the country. Feeling so much FOMO. I would so love to compete, but I think I'm months and months away from that. Would have also loved to go over just to hang out and support them, but we're totally poor at the moment...

It's tough having friends and goals... take it from me kids, don't do either to yourself... it'll only cause you emotions.


Today was all about arms, back, chest and abs. Lucky guys.

I can definitely feel my climbers elbow during my pull ups with the band. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
I'm hoping that because I only feel it slightly, and only during that exercise, and I had been doing tons of rehab then maybe it's okay... but I'm sure I didn't feel it like this on other upper body days.

Overall I did:

  • 6 slow push ups
  • 10 Adapted pull ups... I had my feet on the ground, my body at 45 degree angle and would pull myself to standing/90 degrees
  • 6 Assisted pull ups with a band
  • 20 second deadhangs
  • 40 step farmers carry, one hand at a time

I really would highly recommend this routine to anyone. I love how they concentrate on all the different sections of your core. It's extremely well put together.


I do, obviously, feel completely ridiculous doing this workout... so I guess that means it's good for me.

Nothing special diet wise. I'm not thinking about it at all at the moment. Not eating junk, but not following any sort of plan either.

Did some rolling out of my legs last night for the first time in forever... it seemed good, I'm going to have to keep that up I think. For the first time in my life I look forward to the stretching and rehab part of my daily routine. It's not a hassle or a stress, it's just a lovely part of my winding down for bed.

Images created by amazing Steemians Skyleap and Ryivhnn

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