Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 15

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Hey hey!

Holy Mackerel! I did a massive job on my hamstrings on Monday night.
On Monday I did my run, my hill sprints, and then because I was pretty tired, just did a bunch of box steps (which are less energetic than box jumps). I forgot, however, that box jumps work the quads, and box steps work the hamstrings.

This means I've been ignoring my hamstrings for 13 days... and for the last 2 days, they've been telling me how much that hate that.


I've had allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the DOMS in my hamstrings.

So much so, that I attempted one hill sprint and barely got 5 steps. I was intending to do some gentle squats, but gave all of it away while my legs recover.

My legs are so bossy!

I had my slowest run in absolutely ages. 29 minutes and 33 seconds for my hilly 3.8km run. I walked so much... and by walk I mean a super slow embarrassing shuffle. Good ol DOMS.

Total non-event.

Also, non-event. Maybe I can distract you with this:


These guys were absolutely killer. Glad to have 'em on board.


Great with the diet today... but I'm actually wondering if it's for me.
I dunno, I need to think about it some more, but I'm just not loving it. Not like I have with other diets in the past.

Going to do my stretches and rehab now. Honestly, I'm worried I'm not going to sleep tonight because I feel like I've barely moved. I'm feeling a little jumpy and energetic, but also really sore and tired. I'm a riddle.

I'm hoping some good ol stretches will get me back on track and calm me down before bed.
Thanks for reading!

Images created by amazing Steemians Skyleap and Ryivhnn

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