Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 14


Hey hey!

Legs were super super sore today, which is AOK because I totally ignored them and worked on all the other bits.
I actually did my upper body workout.... and did 3 sets. I felt completely fine and not worked out at all, but I got really hungry, so I left with the intention of coming back to it later..... and then felt my back getting sore as the evening went on. I think stopping when I did was accidentally the right move. Bodies are weird.

Today was all about arms, back, chest abs and definitely no legs.


I was super cautious last week with any grip strength exercises... so this week, I was rightly, far less cautious.
I chucked in my dead hang and was still mega terrible and did single handed farmers carries with a 50kg kettle bell.
I went 40 steps with each hand... and it was crazy tough but my elbow seems to have coped.

Overall I did:

  • 6 slow push ups
  • Adapted pull ups... I had my feet on the ground, my body at 45 degree angle and would pull myself to standing/90 degrees
  • Assisted pull ups with a band
  • 20 second deadhangs
  • 40 step farmers carry, one hand at a time

All I can say about these guys is thank goodness I'm not in a public gym. I feel ridiculous, I look ridiculous, they're crazy hard and counting to 260 is not my best skill. I might have accidentally done 400 because counting while scrunchfacing is so hard.


I ate at 11am today instead of midday, I just got hungry and didn't see the point of waiting... which is not great discipline, but I'll get there. The novelty has definitely worn off and now I need to use actual willpower. That said, I had two meals today both chocablock full of protein and health.

I haven't done any heat treatments the last couple of days, but I've been a stretching monster, which is really helping. I've noticed flexibility in my legs, especially standing and kicking up directly forward... but kicking to the side is still super inflexible... that's the one I actually need to be good at. I imagine it'll take a little longer since it's not a move I have any experience with.

Did all the rehab exercises for my elbow, and I think they're working. It's hard to tell because the exercises themselves irritate it a little... but overall it seems less bothersome. I'm almost at brushing my teeth without pain. Whooo!

I'm going to have to start adding some yoga into my week. I've been really carefully not to go too hard too fast, so I'll gently add it in, maybe a session a week to start.

Images created by amazing Steemians Skyleap and Ryivhnn

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