irie member...ima neva forget


Remember when...
Reagan said he would never have George Bush Sr. as a vice president...
Then at Republican Convention he announced Bush Sr. as his VP...
Then six months later he got capped.

Remember when...
When that VP was a CIA director...
Or when that VP was pictured next to Lee Harvey Oswald on same day Kennedy got capped.

Remember when...
That former VP and former CIA director's dad...
Drank blood out of Geronimo's skull with...
His Skull and Bones butt buddies...
Or when he was indicted as supporting the Nazi's under trading with the enemy act.

Remember when...
Former CIA director was VP...
and he was working with Governor of Arkansas...
Whom was assisting him running guns for drugs...
thru Mena Airport.

Remember when...
That VP and former CIA director...
Was elected President...
and started a war with Iraq...
and gave that 1000 points of light speech...
Where he exposed himself and his cabal...
By those infamous three words.

Remember when...
That former CIA director former VP and President...
Ran against the former Governor of Arkansas...
For president...
and lost.

Remember when...
That former governer of Arkansas...
Got relected...
Got lifetime hood pass...
All the while...
Mandatory minimums...
Oklahoma City...
World Trade Center first time.

Remember when...
The grandson of formerly indicted Nazi supporter...
And son of former President, VP and CIA director...
Ran for president...
and lost popular vote...
but won because of Chad.

Remember when...
You said you would...
Never forget...
Then came WMD's...
Then came Iraq...
wasn't that his dad...
then Afghanistan...
cause Taliban...
and some former CIA asset...
on dialysis in a cave...
directed a bunch of Saudi's...
to take down three buildings...
With two planes and some jet fuel...
The day after Pentagon announced...
It lost trillions of dollars...
You promised you would...
Never forget.

Remember when...
We voted for change...
On some hope...
But got served up the same shit...
More war...
More drones...
More transgressions...
More killings.

I know I know...
Y'all wanna oust President...
Cause of Russia...
But I am still sitting here...
Waiting on all those former...
Nazi supporting...
Skull and Bone...
Former CIA...
Drug running...
Terrorist creating...
Money laundering...
Blood thirsty fuckers...
To be tried and sentenced....
And hung by their necks...
For treason against humanity.

Irie member...ima Neva forget.

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