
New York trips were my favorite days with my father growing up. We would go to China Town so I could load up on Dragon Ball Z crap because I was quite the obsessive little dork.

I remember that day vividly. I learned of what happened while sitting at one of the few circle tables in the lunch room on break in highschool with a bunch of my friends.

I had just hit on this punk girl at the table to my left that I had been eyeing for a while, but she was a grade up so I failed miserably. At this time in my life, I was a cliche "rave" kid that had never actually been to a rave. I was wearing bright blue pants, a black "independent" tight long-sleeve sweater, golden tips, and a ridiculous amount of handmade bracelets (candy).

My principal came on the intercom and said that a plane had just hit the twin towers. That was all. We joked about what an idiot pilot he must of been. Why would someone fly a plane into a building? "Fly higher you moron" one of my friends belted out.

We were wrong. Further messages came from the intercom and we grew more concerned and curious. When the bell rang for next period many people ignored it. Some went home while others like myself crowded into a classroom that had a TV with the news on. I went to my art room because it was my comfort zone when I was in HS.

Reality didn't seem real that day. Things made little sense and nothing has really been the same since. Laws have changed and our freedoms have been reduced. Our country has turned into something over the last 15 years that I can almost not recognize as the country I grew up in. Hatred spreads across the news channels to a different tone day in and day out. We have a President who belittles those who kneel for equality. We have lost our way.

It's sad. It's pathetic. It is a complete disgrace that we are at this point.

Love people today, Love people tomorrow, and catch yourself when hate ignites inside of you. Hate is a repression of love caused by the absence of comfort, security, and compassion. Let it go and save yourself and save eachother.

I believe in a better future.

Love All Ways. Love Always.

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