Short blog before beddy bye time. Some thoughts of today in process

The vibe where I am seems to be changing and uplifting well! One of the members of the family here is starting a new job tomorrow! Meaning if all goes well we can get by longer!! The change in the aesthetic in the room has done well. Furniture is set up to make the space we do have more roomy. We bought some teak furniture a while back and finally set it up. Looks good. I have a swivel t.v. stand out of oak. So starting to feel comfortable and enjoy the space to live and work on my craft better.

Been listening to a little Syd Barret and early Pink Floyd lately. I find I can relate to it quite well. While re-organising I found the old Pink Floyd box set so listened to some of it. Plus I have the Piper At The Gates Of Dawn Pink Floyd box set with some more songs Barret wrote of The Floyd. I heard there is a few more in the newer Pink Floyd album of early recordings. Now I just might get it.

I don't usually watch many movies or t.v. but there has been so many lately I've seen of small town murder mystery type shows. Watched most of original Twin Peaks a year or so back. A couple movies had a theme similar but forget the titles at the moment. Watched Fargo a little while ago. Started watching the Fargo T.V. series. Part of it was filmed in a small town I used to live in called Didsbury. Way back in the day I always thought it would be rad to make a show like Coronation Street about Didsbury Alberta. Really!! And now a couple shows have been filmed in part there!! It's karma giving me mad hints that I'm onto something with this!! Perhaps my music could be a small town adventure story and I could base a later film, even just a short around it.

I'm getting comfy and happy with these ideas buzzing in my head! It will be nice to sleep on. I know many ideas I've had I've worked on for a long time. Feeling the flow of life's story and to be able to articulate those ah ha! moments in that mix!

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