The iphone x is dead?

So yes about 5 days ago reports came out that a company that supplies parts for the iphone x, the taiwanese semi conductor has a huge inventory of parts cause apple isn't ordering any more of their products and also a company called AMS had their stock drop because of a decrease in revenue reason being that apple isn't making anymore iphone x. Reports say that the iphone x hasn't really been doing as well as expected and while apple has always been viewed as a luxury brand, the decline of iphone x orders show that the simple problem with the x is that its just too expensive as was noted by Neil Campling in his article on the iphone x.

I guess the narrowing gap between expensive and quality smartphones has started making consumers smarter with their money 🙃 I have friends that use the iphone x and while the phone is actually nice there are a lot of nice and even nicer smartphones out there (yes i said it) that don't put that ridiculous premium price tag on their phones cause regardless of what apple says i don't think the phone is as innovative as the 5s or as nice as the plus editions of the iphone when they first came out.

Well guess what people... even though apple made less sales than last year, they still saw a boost in revenue because of their 'over-priced' iphone x which they dubbed their most popular smartphone yet.

Apple’s first quarterly earnings reports for 2018 has reported that it sold 77.3 million iPhones in Q1 2018 (which includes the holiday season). That number is down 1.24 percent year over year from last year (78.3 million). But despite the slump in sales, iPhone revenue increased overall year over year, up 11.69 percent from $54.38 billion to $61.58 billion.

what are your thoughts though do you think the iphone x is dead? you even care🤷🏾‍♂️🤣

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