Restructuring of Nigeria. Why it won't happen now


Nigeria is a land of many potentials and problems. So say the cause of our problem is the "North" some say corruption, some say leadership, some say is the poor education. No matter what we say, the fact is we have problems but the good news is that they can all be fixed using the right and realistic approach.

The news political language in Nigeria is" Restructuring ". To the Easterners Restructuring means succession. To the southerners Restructuring is" true Federalism " to the Westerners Restructuring is regional Govt. To the Northerners Restructuring is Parliamentary system of Govt. All this views of restructuring can solve the problem of Nigeria if only there can be one system of government that can deliver all this views to the various regions.

There are two reasons why I say " Restructuring" no matter views can't be achieved any moment soon. There are :

        1, Hatred for one another 

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Nigeria now than ever before, the disunity in the country is scary. The country is divided by Religious lines, Regional lines and tribal lines. It's also important to note that all this "lines" were made visible by the political class and not the ordinary man on the streets. The restructuring each region need can only be achieved through the cooperation of other regions. No region is powerful enough to pursue her goal to a reasonable conclusion with out full the cooperation from the rest. The time we waste holding town hall meetings, press conference and public hearing, should be diverted the time to the full unification and oneness of Nigeria without which this Restructuring of Nigeria to meet our dreams and aspirations will have a stillbirth.

            The role of the National Assembly. 

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They is a saying that goes " only fools learn from experience, the wise learn from history.". From all quarters Restructuring is been pursued outside the knowledge and influence of the legislative arm of the Govt. We should remember how passed administrations have tried restructuring the country by having national conferences and how the outcome ended up in dustbin of the National Assembly . Let's don't waste precious time and resources by thinking we can Restructure Nigeria using moral or social means. Nigeria like any other civilized society, the only acceptable way of doing things are through the ambit of the law. Let's send bills and motions to national Assembly and demand they implement them. The 1999 constitutional amendment is on going. Let's follow up and change the needful.

Outside this steps, any other ways taken to Restructure Nigeria is just a waste of Lives, time and resources.

Images were gotten from Google.

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