
There was a baby
So I heard
Whose birth brought jubilations
Of triumph and victory
The family had long waited
Something indeed to celebrate
It was a long moment of celebration
Entertainers took their turns
It was time at dusk to bath the baby
A ritual must be followed
But just a squabble in the square
Mama threw away the baby with the bath water
There was a tree
So I heard
A tree of life planted by our forefathers
Watered by their sweats
Dripping in their struggle against vultures
Vultures that occupied their land
A fruitful year came
The tenth month, their first harvest
This, they celebrated
And passed on to their sons
But Just the sight of locusts afar
The sons cut down the tree
There was a country
So I heard
Everything at ease
And the centre could hold
Megawatts of lights and Megadreams of greatness
Fireworks and crackers
At the dawn of the tenth month
To celebrate a memorable day
Days passed and Years passed
Now, Megawatts of lies and megavisions of visions
No longer at ease it seems
The centre can no longer hold it appears

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There is a country
And we are here
The tenth month is here again
Let’s celebrate and you frown
But I say let’s celebrate
Let’s celebrate in anticipation
Let’s find the baby
Let’s plant a new tree
Let’s dream a new dream
And in that mood
Let’s make a toast to hope, and say
Happy independence!
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Image source:PRIMA, Vectorstock, Google images

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