Greetings Nigerian Youths

God did not create us to wallow in poverty, self-pity, or mediocrity in any form. Many African countries, especially Nigeria is blessed with abundant and innumerable raw material and human resources necessary for progress. Nobody enjoys being victimized, poor, helpless, deprived, enslaved, oppressed, and inadequate, that's why we need to embrace the ideology of real change.

It's so obvious that youths are dissatisfied with the present situations in the country. Youths with potential and talents are chained to dead-end jobs, living beneath their potentials.

This is due to bad leadership in government. These selfish and bad leaders intentionally and deliberately made the young students struggle for higher education when education should be right for every citizen and free for all. They did this in order for them to have power to manipulate, control and determine every young people's destiny. That's why the majority of our young females are being used as sex slaves, and the male is being used as political goons

Most of our youths go into prostituting and scamming popularly known as Yahoo in Nigeria because of the fragile state of our economy. The deprived youths can't even boast of two square meals in a day, that's why they were left with no choice but to take the jobs that's beneath human dignity as their means of livelihood.

But despite this challenges, I want the youths to know that the Road Map to a brighter tomorrow is in their hands. They are the leader of today and tomorrow. They should not let any problem or bad leaders set their limitations, and they should know what their dreams will cost and be willing to pay the price. The greatest discovery isn't when you discover who your spouse is or where to make money, the greatest discovery is the realization of your own talents. They should focus more on their dreams than the obstacles they may encounter when pursuing their dreams.

They may not be responsible for getting kicked down, but they are certainly responsible for getting back up and move on in life. Real success isn't due to luck. It is a matter of discovering themselves and build upon what they discover.

I just needed to write this chapter after the Nigerian President Made a fool of himself on air demising NIGERIAN YOUTHS.

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