Today, our hazard Identification is "GRAVITY".


Gravity is the force caused by the attraction of all other masses to the mass of the earth.

Examples of the effects of gravity is falling objects, collapsing roof, a body tripping or falling and drop objects.


Do you remember the old saying that says "what goes up must surely come down"? Yes, gravity is the reason for that statement.
You see, every object that is raised off the ground without support will definitely, of a free course, find its way back to the ground regardless of its weight, shape, size or anything underneath it.


Can you think for a minute what would happen if you are standing under a ceiling fan that is not properly hinged to the ceiling and suddenly drops on you?


A year ago, I had an incident in my home that would have led to a fatality due to this hazard called gravity. My six(6) months old daughter Ivana-wealth was sleeping on her mat right under the chandelier in my living room. Somehow, something prompted me to carry her from the living room and take her into her court in my bedroom. I believe it was the Holy Spirit that prompted me. So, I did as prompted . Three (3) minutes later whilst still in my bedroom, I heard a loud crashing sound from my living room. I rushed out from my room and behold my chandelier was scattered all around on the floor. It had dropped and landed on the exact spot where my 6 months old baby was sleeping three (3) minutes ago. I was dumbfounded and couldn't alter a word because of the thought of what would have happened.

So friends, you must be careful and conscious of objects above you, because they could drop. Make sure suspended objects are properly secured and if possible have a secondary retention.



Don't overstretch, trying to get items on top of shelves and cupboards.

Don't leave loosed items at heights like top of shelves.


Be mindful of overhead loads. Do not stand under suspended loads


Watch out for your steps when you walk to avoid slips, trips and falls.


As you carry out your duties today both at home or in your work place, especially in high risk job environments like offshore drilling rigs and construction sites, be mindful of gravity related hazards. Always ask yourself "what if?" "How can I get hurt in the task I'm currently carrying out?" Be very conscious of your environment. Train yourself to have a high sense of situational awareness.




Reference: (eLCOSH : Chevron's Dropped Object Prevention Program)

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I hope you found this piece of information useful. If you did, please UPVOTE , RESTEEM and FOLLOW ME for more.

@nathanieloamhen (NEBOSH™ certified Occupational Health and Safety practitioner)


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