50 insightful proverbs from the indigenous yoruba ethnic group native to the present-day western part of Nigeria.


  1. Ile oba t'o jo, ewa lo busi

Translation: When a king's palace burns down, the re-built palace is more beautiful.

Meaning: Necessity is mother of invention, creativity is often achieved after overcoming many difficulties.

  1. Gbogbo alangba lo d'anu dele, a ko mo eyi t'inu nrun

Translation: All lizards lie flat on their stomach and it is difficult to determine which has a stomach ache

Meaning: Everyone looks the same on the outside but everyone has problems that are invisible to outsiders.

  1. Ile la ti n ko eso re ode

Translation: Charity begins at Home

Meaning: A man cannot give what he does not have good or bad behavior is a reflection of one’s background.

  1. A pę ko to jęun, ki ję ibaję

Translation: The person that eat late, will not eat spoiled food

Meaning: It is more profitable to exercise patience while seeking a durable solution, in difficult situations than to hastily accept an ill-conceived/prepared solution.

  1. Eewu bę loko Longę, Longę fun ara rę eewu ni

Translation: There is danger at Longę's farm (Longę is a name of a Yoruba Legend), Longę himself is danger

Meaning: You should be extremely careful of situations that have a past history of danger

  1. Bi Ēēgun nla ba ni ohùn o ri gontò, gontò na a ni ohùn o ri Ēēgun nla

Translation: If a big masquerade claims it doesn't see the smaller masquerade, the small masquerade will also claim it doesn't see the big masquerade.

Meaning: If an important man does not respect those less important than himself, less important men will in turn refuse to give him his due.

  1. Kò sí ęni tí ó ma gùn ęşin tí kò ní ju ìpàkó. Bí kò fę ju ìpàkó, ęşin tí ó ngùn á ję kojū.

Translation: No one rides a horse without moving his head, voluntarily or involuntarily.

Meaning: Your status in life dictates your attitude towards your peers

  1. Bí abá so òkò sójà ará ilé eni ní bá;

Translation: He who throws a stone in the market will hit his relative

Meaning: Be careful what you do unto others it may return towards you or someone close to you

  1. Agba ki wa loja, ki ori omo titun o wo.

Translation: Do not go crazy, do not let the new baby look.

Meaning: Behave in a mature manner so avoid bad reputation.

  1. Adìẹ funfun kò mọ ara rẹ̀lágbà

Translation: The white chicken does not realize its age

Meaning: Respect yourself


  1. Ọbẹ̀ kìí gbé inú àgbà mì

Translation: The soup does not move round in an elder’s belly

Meaning: You should be able to keep secrets

  1. À ń pe gbẹ́nàgbẹ́nà ẹyẹ àkókó ń yọjú

Translation: A sculptor is summoned and the woodpecker shows up

Meaning: Never think too highly of yourself

  1. Díẹ̀ díẹ̀ nimú ẹlẹ́dẹ̀ẹ́ fi ń wọgbà

Translation: Little by little is how the pig’s nose enters the yard

Meaning: Attend to a small problem before it becomes uncontrollable

  1. Ilé ọba tójó ẹwà ló bùsi

Translation: The king’s palace that got burnt added beauty to it

Meaning: Every cloud has a silver lining

  1. A ti kekee e ti p’eitan u’oko i, do ba d’agba tan e i du ka ma

Trim the branches of an iroko tree while it is young, if it matures completely it cannot be bent again.

Meaning: Training of a child commences when the child is still very young and impressionable; otherwise his training become s late and an uphill task.

  1. Oiho buuk’ e ka koolo bi s’upekun da le da ma.

Translation: A man’s head with an evil mind does not curve like cutlass for one to know it.

Meaning: Appearance is deceptive

  1. Onen e n’oogun adoado ee gb’ ayinyan win.

Translation: He who does not have an antidote for a disease called “adoado” should not swallow a cockroach.

Meaning: One should avoid any thing or act that will have adverse effect on him/her.

  1. D’iaye ba a s’oko s’oja, o le la a ba ia l’onen.

If one throws a stone into the market it may hit his relative.

Meaning: avoid doing things that will have serious repercussion or effect

  1. Di ulu be e don panen panen, a ka jo ni melo melo.

Translation: If a drum is sounding “kill him, kill him” one should dance to it with caution.

Meaning: Avoid doing things that will have serious repercussion or effect

  1. Oju ya a b’onen t’ale e e m’owuo kutu s’ipen.

Translation: The eye that will be useful to its owner does not start discharging in the morning.

Meaning: The success of a venture requires early planning and preparedness

  1. Iy’o wu mi e wue, oun e m’omaiye meji jeun ototo i.

Translation: Differences in likes and dislikes make two brothers eat separately

Meaning: Every human being has special characteristics that make him unique.

  1. Ijo je o we yon i.

Translation: Eating together makes the exercise enjoyable.

Meaning: There is joy in cooperative effort

  1. Omi yi iay’ a mon ee san gb’onen ee.

Translation: the water that one is destined to drink will never flow past one.

Meaning: Whatever one is destined to become or achieve in life must come to pass.

  1. O so si ko du ka, o wo si ko du see

Translation: If the fruits of a tree grows where it cannot be plucked; it falls where it cannot be picked up

Meaning: The problem is enigmatic, defying solution.


  1. Die e je ma n’aja o siwin ku i

Translation: One eats a little of a dog that died as a result of rabies.

Meaning: One should not over do things. There should be some restraint.

  1. Uun yi agbalagba ri n’oiho joko, omoiton le ri un n’oiho uduo.

Translation: What an elder sees while sitting down, a child can never see it while standing up.

Meaning: Experience is the best teacher

  1. Igi so so o y’a a ghonen ‘ju, a to ke iye e ti ho i.

Translation: The pointed stick that will pierce one in the eye, is avoided while it is still far off.

Meaning: To be forewarned, is to be forearmed.

  1. Onen p’ aoko s’ oja oun oja p’ aoko si.

Translation: He who sends a gift to the market, he it is that a market sends a gift to.

Meaning: Anyone who gives will receive.

  1. Se s’ale oun e je Seike i.

Translation: He who leaves a good legacy behind will be fondly remembered for his generosity

Meaning: Benevolence leaves a lasting impression.

  1. Aja e e gbagbe l’oiye owuo.

Translation: A dog does not forget its morning benefactor.

Meaning: It is good to show appreciation for any good deed done to one.

  1. Oj’ ole igbad’e gbo i

Translation: Corn matures in the presence of a lazy man.

Meaning: If a man does not work, he must not eat.

  1. Li suu e fon wa’a keneun i.

Only the patient one can milk a lion.

Meaning: He who is patient can perform an impossible task.

  1. Ubee eese l’use, onen yo gbe jake oun o se l’use i
    Translation: A good beginning is of no value unless one perseveres to the end.

Meaning: He who perseveres to the end will be rewarded

  1. Igbe ‘a ga o we s’ugwaju ipa’uun.

Translation: It is lifting oneself up that goes before destruction.

Meaning: Pride goes before a fall.

  1. Aja e e j, ogungun ya gbe ko ghon o ‘on.

Translation: A dog does not eat the bone, which is hung on its neck. In other words,

Meaning: It is one’s responsibility to take care of whatever he is entrusted with.

  1. Onen ma nen a’e do fi ghon n’onen, uya a a je pa i.

Translation: He who does not have himself but claims he has somebody’s support, suffer will kill him.

Meaning: He who does not help himself but relies on others will suffer.

  1. Ko omo e do le mu usimi ko e.

Translation: Teach your child to give you rest

Meaning: Train your child so that he can give you peace of mind.

  1. Den a’a e n’awo yo gba e.

Translation: Fry yourself in a pot that will conveniently contain you.

Meaning: Cut your coat according to your size.

  1. E e m’oiho Ade gwole.

Translation: We not allow a head wearing a crown to drag on the ground.

Meaning: This means that nobody disrespects a crowned individual.

  1. Li t’onen e e h’oi osan da m’aipan.

Translation: One’s relation cannot be on the top of a cherry tree and one eats an unripe one.

Meaning: Someone in an influential position should use his position for the benefit of his relation and community.

  1. Uun yi wo ba a gbe oun wa ka i, we le gbe ila du o ka koko.

What you plant, is what you will pluck, you cannot plant okro and you pluck cocoa.

Meaning: Whatever you sow, that you will reap;

  1. Ohun pele, o yo obi n’ apo; ohun lile yo uda n’ako

Translation: A gentle voice brings kola from the pocket while a harsh voice brings out a sword from its sheath.

Meaning: The tongue is a two-edged sword.

  1. A’a e e wowo di l’otu e m a le gbe un.

Translation: No matter how heavy the body may be the owner will still be able to carry it.

Meaning: Each individual must undertake his responsibilities.

  1. E e do da ma ja, sugbon aja i gb’uha o so o i.

Translation: People cannot live together without quarrelling but reconciliation/settlement should be given a chance.

Meaning: Emphasizes the importance of closeness of individuals to one another even when conflict exists between them.

  1. Omi yi iay’a a mon e e san gb’onen e.

Translation: The water one is destined to drink never flows past him or her.

Meaning: God’s timing is always perfect

  1. Esin e e da onen da ma ton gun.

Translation: The fact that the horse throws down the rider does not stop the rider from getting up and climbing it again.

Meaning: Never give up

  1. Di l’ejo ba a ma ejo n’ebi e ni i pe n’oiho ukonle.

Translation: If one acknowledges one’s guilt in court one will not remain on his knees for long.

Meaning: If you own up to your guilt, you have tried to put things right and so may be pardoned or judged with leniency.

  1. Ole yo ji kakaki oba, o ku boon ti a fon.

Translation: The thief who steals the king’s trumpet will find it difficult to blow it anywhere without being discovered.

Meaning: Nemesis will always catch up with a wrongdoer.

  1. Inon ukoko didun oun eko fifun ti jade i.

Translation: White corn paste comes out of the black pot.

Meaning: Do not judge a book by its cover.

  1. O nukan je nukan pawo ma.

Translation: Eater alone clearer alone

Meaning: A selfish individual.


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