
50 insightful proverbs from the indigenous igbo ethnic group native to the present-day southeastern part of Nigeria.

  1. Hapu ihe e dere na moto banye moto

Translation: Forget what is written on the vehicle’s body and enter the vehicle.

Meaning: Taking action is a priority over having details or previous knowledge.

  1. Onye m ga-egbuli m ga rio chineke ka o nyere m aka?

Translation: Regarding the person that I can defeat easily, do I still need to beg God for assistance?

Meaning: The battles that can be easily overcome do not require additional effort OR some things can be achieved faster even without external assistance.

  1. Ogbacha oso a gwuo mile

Translation: After the race, the miles or distance covered is calculated.

Meaning: Being reflective after a difficult task.

  1. Ogaracha must come back

Translation: He who wanders away must come back.
Meaning: You cannot totally shy away from your responsibilities.

  1. Ejii ro ututu amanjo afia

Translation: You can't judge that a market would be bad in the morning.

Meaning: Ones future can't be determined by a bad start.

  1. Nni bu ndu

Translation: Food is life.

Meaning: An empty stomach can lead to early grave.

  1. Ha na-asi na oku gbara Father I na-aju ma o gbakwara ma afuonu ya

Translation: It being rumored that a Reverend Father got burnt and you are there asking if his beards also got burnt.

Meaning: Talking about the important and you are there talking something stupid or of less importance OR why ask a silly question when you know the obvious.

  1. Ka ana achu aja, ka ikpe n' amah ndi mmuo.

Translation: let's keep sacrificing, let the gods take the blame.

Meaning: Do you part to avoid the blame

  1. Egwu adiro atu afo, oburu uzo

Translation: Fear does not affect the stomach, that’s why it is always in front.

Meaning-Irrespective of the risk involved, an attempt must be made.

  1. Okro anaghi eto kari onye kuru ya

Translation: The okro cannot grow taller than the planter.

Meaning: No matter how elevated you get in life, you can't surpass the hand that groomed you.


  1. Gini ozo ka a na cho na siga ma obughi anwuru-oku?

Translation: What else is expected of cigarette if not smoke?

Meaning: Purpose are always defined / there is a reason for everything.

  1. Mmanu akara di uto; Onye ratu, ibe ya a ratu

Translation: Bean cake oil is sweet; one who tastes should allow others have a taste.

Meaning: Be good to the people on your way up the ladder.

  1. O ji ngaji eri chetakwa ndi ji aka

Translation: He who eats with spoon should remember those who uses hand to eat.

Meaning: While enjoying yourself, always have the destitute at heart.

  1. I tiela aka na tipa bu aja

Translation: You have placed you hand on tipper with load of sand.

Meaning: You are in a big mess/trouble.

  1. Ogologo abughi na nwa m e tola

Translation: Tallness is not a yardstick to define maturity.

Meaning: Maturity in Life is not determined by the physical appearance (athletic build) of an individual.

  1. Ara ga gba ndi ara

Translation: Lunatics shall soon run mad.

Meaning: Unbelievable/surprising things will happen.

  1. Ukwu na ga wara; anya na ga wara na hu ya

Translation: A leg moving in a shady motion; an eye also moving in a shady motion will sees it.

Meaning: You can't outsmart everyone.

  1. "I no ebe ina awakwu ogodo ndi n'agba mgba wee gbaachaa mgba ma lawa."

Translation: You kept tying and adjusting your wrestling wrapper (or gear) till other wrestlers finished wrestling and left.

Meaning: You took too long contemplating and preparing till it was needless †σ take action.

  1. Ewere otutu cho ewu ojiio tupu abali aru

Translation: look for a black goat during the day before the night comes.

Meaning: Make your decision as quick as possible to avoid setbacks.

  1. Uto mmii wu ete bele

Translation: The sweetness of wine is more when you dance

Meaning: Wine is best enjoyed while dancing

  1. Ichekiriche nwe eze elu nkwu,nwa mbgada nwe uzo ohia

Translation: While yellow ant is the king of Palm trees, Antelope is the king of the forest.

Meaning: Everybody has a weakness/strength.

  1. Alila mara nma mana Okuko erighi ya

Translation: White ant is beautiful but can't be eaten by a hen.

Meaning: All that glitters isn’t gold.

  1. A kwokwala beans akwo?

Translation: Rhetorical- Have beans been grinded yet?

Meaning: I have not yet started.

  1. ogologo okwu adiro n'uka ngbede

Translation: long sermons are not needed in evening services.

Meaning: Stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point.

  1. Odili nwa ologbo mma olaba tea.

Translation: When a cat hits a fortune he start drinking tea.

Meaning: When a person makes an unexpected amount of success they do strange things.

  1. Eze mbe si na e jighi ehi kwa nne ya di na nso, mana a si ya wete na ya enweghi.

Translation: The tortoise said it is an abomination not to conduct his mother's funeral with a cow, but if asked to produce one he couldn't afford it.

Meaning: Emphasizing the importance of the necessity of an object even though one cannot afford it.

  1. Eze mbe si na nsogbu bu nke ya, ya jiri kworo ya n'azu

Translation: The tortoise said that trouble is its own; that's why it carries trouble on its back.

Meaning: One should try and shoulder one's own burden

  1. Eze mbe si na olu oha di mma, mana oriri oha na-aka ahu.

Translation: The tortoise said that many hands at work is enjoyable, but many mouths to feed can be embarrassing.

Meaning: A warning that it is not easy to feed the multitude.

  1. Eze mbe si na ihe ya ji-achiri ihe egwu ya aga njem bu maka ya ezu ndiegwu

Translation: The tortoise said that it always travels with its musical instrument in case it meets other musicians.

Meaning: Stressing a state of maintaining a state of preparedness.

  1. Nwaanyi muta ite ofe mmiri mmiri, di ya amuta ipi utara aka were suru ofe.

Translation: If a woman decides to make the soup watery, the husband will learn to dent the foofoo before dipping it into the soup.

Meaning: One should learn to change tactics to suit a situation.

  1. O na-abu a si nwata wuba ahu, o saba afo ya.

Translation: Tell a child to wash his body, he washes his stomach.

Meaning: This is a sign of immaturity.

  1. Agwo emeghi nke o jiri buru agwo, umuaka achiri ya hie nku.

Translation: If a snake fails to show its venom, little kids will use it in tying firewood.

Meaning: There are times when one defends ones capability.

  1. Akwukwo juru n'ohia, ma a baa a choba okazi.

Translation:There are various leaves in the forest, but people go in to look for okazi leaves.

Meaning: Many are called but few are chosen.

  1. Ekpere niile bere n'Amen.

Translation: All prayers end in Amen.

Meaning: The essence of true religion is righteousness.

  1. .Onwu egbuchughi ji e jiri chu aja, e mesie o pue ome.

Translation: If the yam used in sacrifice does not die prematurely, it will eventually germinate.

Meaning: Things will eventually improve despite the present difficulties.

  1. Aka a na-ana dike bu itube ya (abuba) ugo.

Translation: Appropriate handshake for the valiant is to cap him with an eagle (feather).

Meaning: Noble deeds should be appreciated.

  1. Azu na-eloghi ibe ya adighi ebu.

Translation: A fish that does not swallow other fishes does not grow fat.

Meaning: There are occasions where one acts without qualms.

  1. Isi kotara ebu ka ebu na-agba.

Translation: It is the head that disturbs the wasp that the wasp stings.

Meaning: Used in warning trouble makers about serious consequences.

  1. E tie dike n'ala, a nu uzu ya.

Translation: Knock a valiant man on the ground and the shouts will be tremendous.

Meaning: The downfall of a famous man attracts public attention.

  1. O bu mmuo ndi na-efe na-egbu ha.

Translation: It is the deity that people worship that kills them.

Meaning: A reference to the efficacy of people's belief.

  1. O na-abu akota ihe ka ubi, e lee oba.

Translation: Whilst farming, if one encounters what is bigger than the farm, one sells the barn.

Meaning: One who incurs what is beyond one's ability may sell all one has.

  1. E gbuo dike n'ogu uno, e ruo n'ogu agu e lote ya.

Translation: Kill a warrior during skirmishes at home, you will remember him when fighting enemies.

Meaning: Don't destroy your leaders.

  1. Ewu nwuru n'oba ji abughi agu gburu ya.

Translation: A goat that dies in a barn was not killed by hunger.

Meaning: He has the means but his undoing is laziness.

  1. A ma ka mmiri si were baa n'opi ugboguru?

Translation: Who knows how water entered into the stalk of the pumpkin?

Meaning: Who can explain this puzzle.

  1. A chuo aja ma a hughi udele, a mara na ihe mere be ndimmuo.

Translation: If the vulture fails to hover at the end of a sacrifice, then you know that something happened in the land of spirits.

Meaning: The regulars must be around otherwise something is amiss.

  1. Si kele onye nti chiri; enu anughi, ala anu.

Translation: Salute the deaf; if the heavens don't hear, the earth will hear.

Meaning: Let us do the right thing, there are those who will understand.

  1. Nwunye awo si na di atoka uto, ya jiri nuta nke ya kworo ya n'azu.

Translation: The female toad said that husband is so sweet that when she got married, she carried her husband permanently on the back.

Meaning: A humorous proverb used in cajoling women into loving their husbands.

  1. Ugo chara acha adighi echu echu

Translation: A mature eagle feather will ever remain pure.

Meaning: One well trained will stand the test of time.

  1. Ihere adịghị eme onye ara ka ọ na-eme ụmụ-nna ya

Translation: A mad person is not as ashamed as his relatives.

Meaning: People who know values appreciate those most. Relations are concerned most with a person's behavior.

  1. Otu onye tụọ izu, o gbue ọchụ

Translation: If one man takes decision, he commits murder.

Meaning: Knowledge is never complete: two heads are better than one.


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