A Call For Help. I Am Really Sick And I Need Your Helpt

I never knew it was going to come to this but as it is now I don't have a choice. I am very sick and I need your help. I am suffering from hypertensive heart disease. I am in more pains knowing that the world will know about my health issues but an addage says if you keep quiet your problems will keep quiet with you. I have decided to open up because I am now scared. I don't want to die young

The health issue is very serious to the extent that I barely go a day without severe pain. I have been in and out of the hospital in the past 5months. I have spent all my money on drugs and bills. I am so broke now and I still need to do a test.

The doctors have asked me to do a test called ECHO which is going to cost me 40,000n(112$) and right now I don't have a dime. And I need to do the test to know the exact treatment that will be given to me.

Please I really need your help. If you are reading this please help me and save a life. Anything whatsoever you can help me with. I will be very glad.

Below is the test result of the first test I did(ECG)


Please you can also help me reesteem for visibility

If you want to help, you can assist using the following mediums

Bank. 3105106248
Ewuoso Olusesi
First Bank

Ewuoso Olusesi
Diamond bank





God bless you

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