Bertrand Russell

His is one man that i know that has a very deep admiration for the precision of mathematics. Because of his love for its precision, he came up with what he calls 'logical atomism'.

Language for him consist of a unique arrangement of words and the meaningfulness of language is determined by the accuracy with which these words represent facts. Words in turn are formulated into propositions. In a logically perfect language the words in a proposition would correspond one on one with the components of the corresponding facts.

By analysis, certain simple words are discovered.
These are words that cannot be further analyzed into something more primary and can therefore be understood only by knowing what they symbolize.

A proposition states fact. When a fact is of the simplest kind, it is called an atomic fact. Propositions that state atomic facts are called atomic propositions. Then these atomic propositions are joined together with conjunctions to form molecular propositions.

Russell was a formalist to the core.
he believed that language should have a form
He brought about logical language which philosophy students are battling with presently

I just wrote my first semester examination and i was asked to analyse his philosophy.
I tried my possible best and i know that by the grace of God that the result will come out well


#from sartre to socrates

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