Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis- Yobe schoolgirls missing

At least 50 Nigerian schoolgirls are still missing after an attack on a boarding school by Boko Haram jihadists, the local governor says.
Militants raided their school on Monday evening, but many of the students and staff had fled before they arrived.
It was initially thought that the girls had escaped but two days later, their whereabouts are still not known.
The attack comes four years after Boko Haram kidnapped more than 270 girls from a school in the town of Chibok.
That triggered a global campaign to try and rescue the so-called Chibok girls.

The latest attack was in Dapchi, Yobe state, about 275 km (170 miles) north-west of Chibok.
Locals living near the school told the BBC that about half the girls who had fled have been found after hiding in surrounding villages - some up to 30 km away.
Officials are not calling this a kidnapping, and say many of the girls and teachers ran into the bush and may still be found.
However, some parents say more than 51 girls are still missing.
The father of one 16-year-old girl told the AFP news agency: " We still don't know how many of our daughters were recovered and how many are still missing.
"We have been hearing many numbers, between 67 and 94."
One parent told the BBC they had seen a truck full of students being taken away.
The security services are said to be combing the surrounding area to find the missing girls.

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